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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Pogacice sa slaninom i kackavaljem (Bannocks with bacon and yellow cheese)

Sastojci: 600g mekog psenicnog brasna, 200g integralnog brasna, 20g svezeg kvasca, 1 kasicica secera, 2 jaja, 200ml mleka, 200ml vode, 200ml ulja, 250g kackavalja, 250g slanine, semenke sucokreta, susam, kim (u zrnu), 3g soli.


1) U solju staviti mleko, secer, kvasac i 1 kasiku brasna. Promesati i ostaviti 15 minuta da nadodje. Kackavalj izrendati a slaninu sitno iseckati. Jaja umutiti.

2) U tiganj staviti slaninu i na srednjoj temperaturi (4) proprziti. Staviti na papir da upije visak masnoce.

3) Pomesati meko psenicno i integralno brasno. Podeliti na dva dela. U jedan deo dodati so, kvasac, vodu, ulje i zamesiti testo povremeno dodavajuci ostatak mesavine brasna.

4) Kackavalj i slaninu uvaljati u malo brasna pa dodati zamesenom testu. Premesiti testo. Pokriti krpom i ostaviti 1 sat da nadodje na toplom mestu.

5) Razviti testo na debljinu oko 1.5cm i casom i modlom za kolace vaditi krugove (pogacice). Poredjati u pleh namazan margarinom i posut brasnom. Ostaviti 20 minuta da nadodju.

6) Premazati jajima. Posuti sa kimom, susamom i/ili suncokretom.

7) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200C dok ne porumene.

Ingredients: 600g soft wheat flour, 200g integral flour, 20g fresh yeast, 1 teaspoon sugar, 2 eggs, 200ml milk, 200ml water, 200ml oil, 250g yellow cheese, 250g bacon, sunflower seeds, sesame, cumin (in grain), 3g salt.


1) Put milk, sugar, yeast and 1 tablespoon of flour in the cup. Stir and leave for 15 minutes to rise. Grate the cheese and finely chop the bacon. Whisk the eggs.

2) Put the bacon in the pan and fry at a medium temperature (4). Put on paper to soak up excess fat.

3) Mix soft wheat and integral flour. Divide into two parts. In one part add salt, yeast, water, oil and knead the dough occasionally adding the rest of the flour mixture.

4) Roll the cheese and bacon in a little flour and add to the kneaded dough. Knead the dough. Cover with a cloth and leave for 1 hour to rise in a warm place.

5) Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1.5 cm and take out the circles (bannocks) with a cup or a cake mold. Arrange in a pan greased with margarine and sprinkled with flour. Leave for 20 minutes to rise.

6) Coat with eggs. Sprinkle with cumin, sesame and/or sunflower seeds.

7) Bake in a preheated oven at 200C until golden brown.

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