1) U casu od 200ml, pomesati prst ulja (vodoravno) i prst kisele vode (vertikalno). Promesati.
2) U ciniju staviti prasak za pecivo i so. Odozgo razbiti jaja. Ostaviti pola sata.
3) Umutiti jaja, pa dodati kiselo mleko ili kiselu pavlaku ili izgnjecen sir. Promesati da se sjedini. Ostaviti malo fila sa strane.
4) Pleh namazati margarinom. Staviti jednu koru na dno pleha. Ostaviti jednu koru za pokrivanje. Ostale kore guzvati jednu po jednu i redjati u pleh. Preliti sa 2/3 mesavine ulja i kisele vode.
5) Preliti kore filom od jaja i kiselog mleka (pavlake ili sira). Pokriti jednom korom. Iseci pitu po duzini i sirini. Preliti sa 1/3 mesavine ulja i kisele vode (po ivicama).
6) Pomesati ostavljeni fil sa jogurtom i preliti pitu.
7) Peci u zagrejanoj rerni na 200 stepeni, oko 30 minuta.
Ingredients: 500g phyllo dough, 3 eggs (room temperature), 300g of yogurt or sour cream or farmers cheese, 10g baking powder, 150ml of buttermilk, oil and carbonated water, salt, a little margarine.
1) In glass 200ml, mix finger of oil (horizontal) and finger of carbonated water (vertically). Mix.
2) In a bowl put the baking powder and salt. Break the eggs on top. Leave for half an hour.
3) Whisk the eggs, then add yogurt or sour cream or farmers cheese. Combine well. Leave a little filling on side.
4) Baking pan grease with margarine. Place one sheet on the bottom of the pan. Leave one sheet for top. Other sheets crumple one by one and arrange in a baking pan. Pour with 2/3 of the mixture of oil and carbonated water.
5) Pour over crust, filling of eggs and yogurt-sour milk (sour cream or farmers cheese). Cover with one phyllo sheet. Cut pie by longitude and latitude. Pour with 1/3 of the mixture of oil and carbonated water (at the edges).
6) Mix filling (that you left aside) with buttermilk and pour over pie.
7) Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees, about 30 minutes.
4) Pleh namazati margarinom. Staviti jednu koru na dno pleha. Ostaviti jednu koru za pokrivanje. Ostale kore guzvati jednu po jednu i redjati u pleh. Preliti sa 2/3 mesavine ulja i kisele vode.
5) Preliti kore filom od jaja i kiselog mleka (pavlake ili sira). Pokriti jednom korom. Iseci pitu po duzini i sirini. Preliti sa 1/3 mesavine ulja i kisele vode (po ivicama).
6) Pomesati ostavljeni fil sa jogurtom i preliti pitu.
7) Peci u zagrejanoj rerni na 200 stepeni, oko 30 minuta.
Ingredients: 500g phyllo dough, 3 eggs (room temperature), 300g of yogurt or sour cream or farmers cheese, 10g baking powder, 150ml of buttermilk, oil and carbonated water, salt, a little margarine.
1) In glass 200ml, mix finger of oil (horizontal) and finger of carbonated water (vertically). Mix.
2) In a bowl put the baking powder and salt. Break the eggs on top. Leave for half an hour.
3) Whisk the eggs, then add yogurt or sour cream or farmers cheese. Combine well. Leave a little filling on side.
4) Baking pan grease with margarine. Place one sheet on the bottom of the pan. Leave one sheet for top. Other sheets crumple one by one and arrange in a baking pan. Pour with 2/3 of the mixture of oil and carbonated water.
5) Pour over crust, filling of eggs and yogurt-sour milk (sour cream or farmers cheese). Cover with one phyllo sheet. Cut pie by longitude and latitude. Pour with 1/3 of the mixture of oil and carbonated water (at the edges).
6) Mix filling (that you left aside) with buttermilk and pour over pie.
7) Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees, about 30 minutes.
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