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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Mamina krempita (Mom's creampie)

Sastojci: 2 kutije petit ber keksa ili domaceg keksa, malo mleka, 150g secera, 100ml vode, za krem - 5 jaja, 700ml mleka, 50g mekog brasna, 130g secera, 20g vanilina secera, 125g margarina (sobne temperature).

1) Odvojiti belanca od zumanaca. Skuvati mleko.
2) Zumanca penasto umutiti sa secerom i vanilin secerom.

3) U serpu staviti mleko i na srednjoj temperaturi (4) pustiti da prokljuca. Dodati zumanca sa secerom i promesati. Dodati brasno i kuvati dok se ne zgusne povremeno mesajuci. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
4) Dodati margarin i umutiti sve zajedno.
5) U serpicu sipati secer i vodu i kad se secer otopi kuvati jos 2 minuta.
6) Penasto umutiti belanca. Postepeno u belanca dodavati uspinovan secer i nastaviti sa mucenjem.
7) U mlako mleko potapati keks i slagati u pleh, u jedan red. Staviti krem. Poredjati drugi deo keksa. Prekriti umucen belancima.

Predlog: mozete napraviti Brzu vocnu krempitu.

Ingredients: 2 boxes of petit ber biscuits or homemade plain biscuits, a little milk, 150g sugar, 100ml water, for cream - 5 eggs, 700ml milk, 50g soft flour, 130g sugar, 20g vanilla sugar, 125g margarine (room temperature).

1) Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. Cook milk until boils.
2) Whisk the egg yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar.
3) Put the milk in the pot and let it boil at medium temperature (4). Add the egg yolks with sugar and stir. Add flour and cook until thickened, stirring occasionally. Allow to cool.
4) Add margarine and whisk everything together.
5) Pour sugar and water into the saucepan and cook for another 2 minutes when the sugar is dissolved.
6) Whisk the egg whites with mixer. Gradually add cooked sugar to the egg whites and continue to whisk.
7) Dip the biscuits into the milk and arrange in a baking pan, in one layer. Put the cream on. Add one more layer of biscuits. Cover with beaten egg whites.

Suggestion: you can make Quick fruit creampie.

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