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Monday, November 30, 2020

Domaci senf sa medom (Homemade mustard with honey)

Sastojci: 65g zrna zute slacice, 20g zrna crne slacice, 200ml jabukovog sirceta, 85ml vode, 120g meda, 8g soli (fino mlevene).

1) U staklenoj tegli pomesati zrna slacice sa vodom i sircetom. Promesati da se potope sva zrna slacice. Zatvoriti sa plasticnim poklopcem i ostaviti na sobnoj temperaturi 3 dana. Svakog dana promuckati teglu.
2) U blender staviti zrna slacice sa sve vodom i sircetom. Dodati med i so i mutiti dok ne postane glatko. Zatvoriti sa plasticnim poklopcem.
3) Staviti u frizider na 24 sata.

Napomena: ako vam je previse sladak senf smanjiti kolicinu senfa; ali najmanje ide 20g meda. Zasto plasticni poklopac a ne metalni? Da ne bi poklopac korodirao zbog sirceta.

Ingredients: 65g yellow mustard seeds, 20g black mustard seeds, 200ml apple cider vinegar, 85ml water, 120g honey, 8g salt (finely ground).

1) In a glass jar, mix the mustard seeds with water and apple cider vinegar. Stir to soak all the mustard seeds. Close with a plastic lid and leave at room temperature for 3 days. Shake the jar every day.
2) Put mustard seeds with all the water and vinegar in a blender. Add honey and salt and blend until smooth. Close with plastic lid.
3) Put in the fridge for 24 hours.

Note: if your mustard is too sweet reduce the amount of mustard; but at least 20g of honey goes. Why a plastic lid and not a metal one? In order not to corrode the lid due to vinegar.

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