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Monday, February 29, 2016

Pohovane tikvice (Fried zucchini)

Sastojci: 3 srednje tikvice, 2 jaja, 8-10 kasika brasna, so, ulje za przenje.


1) Tikvice oljustiti i izrendati (na krupno). Posoliti i ostaviti pola sata. Jaja umutiti.
2) Rukama uzimati tikvice izmedju dlanova i iscediti od tecnosti. 

3) U ciniju staviti tikvice, dodati umucena jaja i brasno. Promesati da se sjedini.
4) U tiganj staviti ulje i pustiti da se ugreje. Smanjiti na srednje-visoku temperaturu (5), sipati vecom kasikom smesu, pritisnuti malo odozgo i prziti sa obe strane.
5) Przene tikvice staviti na par salveta ili ubrusa da upije visak ulja. 

Savet: prvo staviti 8 kasika brasna, zatim zahvatiti kasikom i ako je jos uvek retko dodati preostale 2 kasike. Smesa treba da bude gusca od smese za palacinke.

Ingredients: 3 medium zucchini, 2 eggs, 8-10 tablespoons flour, salt, oil for frying.


1) Peel zucchini and shred. Add salt and leave for half an hour. Whisk eggs.
2) Take zucchini with hands and between palms squeeze of liquid.
3) In a bowl put the zucchini, add  the beaten eggs and flour. Combine well.
4) In a pan put the oil and let it heat up. Reduce to medium-high temperature (5), with bigger spoon put the mixture, press a little above and fry on both sides.
5) Fried zucchini put on a couple of napkins or paper towels to absorb excess oil.

Tip: first put 8 tablespoons of flour, then take with spoon if it is still liquid add the remaining 2 tablespoons. Mixture should be thicker than batter for crepes.

Jagnjeca plecka sa krompirom (Lamb shank with potatoe)

Sastojci: 1 veca jagnjeca plecka, 1 kg krompira, 300ml belog vina, 2-3 grancice ruzmarina, 1 kasicica belog luka u prahu, so, biber, maslinovo ulje .


1) Krompir oljustiti i iseci na kolutove. Pomesati beli luk, so i biber.
2) Jagnjecu plecku istrljati ruzmarinom. Zatim utrljati mesavinu belog luka, soli i bibera.
3) Posudu za pecenje premazati maslinovim uljem. Poredjati krompir i preko stavite plecku. Pokriti folijom.

4) Zagrejati rernu na 220 C i peci 30 minuta. Izvaditi iz rerne, preliti belim vinom, pokriti folijom i peci jos 45 minuta. Skinuti foliju i peci dok meso i krompir ne omeksaju. Povremeno okrenite plecku.

Ingredients: 1 bigger lamb shank, 1 kg of potatoes, 300ml white wine, 2-3 sprigs of rosemary, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, salt, pepper, olive oil.


1) Peel potatoes and cut into slices. Mix the garlic, salt and pepper.
2) Rub lamb shank with rosemary. Then rub in a mixture of garlic, salt and pepper.
3) Coat baking pan with olive oil. Arrange the potatoes and put the shank on top. Cover with foil.

4) Preheat oven to 220 C and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven, pour white wine, cover with foil and bake another 45 minutes. Remove foil and bake until meat and potatoes are tender. Occasionally turn the shank.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Salata od jagnjetine i fete (Lamb salad with feta)

Sastojci: 600g jagnjeceg mesa, 350g fete, 1 manja glavica crnog luka, 250ml pilece supe, 1 kasika soka od limuna, 1 kasicica soli, 1 kasicica suve mirodjije, 1 kasicica origana, 100g persunovog lista (sitno seckanog), 60ml maslinovog ulja, 3 paradajza.


1) Crni luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Paradajz oljustiti i iseci na kocke. Fetu iseci na kocke.
2) U serpu sipati ulje, staviti meso i proprziti sa obe strane. Izvaditi iz serpe.
3) U serpu dodati crni luk i prziti oko 2 minuta povremeno mesajuci. Vratiti meso, dodati supu, sok od limuna, so, mirodjiju, origano, persun. Promesati, poklopiti, i na srednjoj temperaturi (4), kuvati dok meso ne bude gotovo.
4) Izvaditi meso, ostaviti da se prohladi pa iseckati na komade.    
5) U ciniji pomesati jagnjetinu, paradajz i fetu. Preliti masnocom u kome se meso przilo.

Predlog: ovu salatu mozet posluziti uz Sos od belog luka.

Ingredients: 600g lamb meat, 350g feta cheese, 1 small onion, 250ml chicken stock, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon dried dill, 1 teaspoon oregano, 100g parsley leaf (finely chopped), 60ml olive oil, 3 tomatoes.


1) Peel onion and finely chop. Peel tomato and cut into cubes. Cut feta into cubes.
2) in a pot put oil, add the meat and fry on both sides. Remove from the pot.
3) in a pot add the onion and fry for about 2 minutes stirring occasionally. Return meat, add chicken stock, lemon juice, salt, dill, oregano, parsley. Stir, cover, and on medium temperature (4), cook until the meat is done.
4) Remove the meat, leave to cool and cut into pieces.
5) In the bowl, combine the lamb, tomatoes and feta. Pour the fat in which the meat was fried.

Suggestion: this salad can be served with Garlic sauce.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Pasulj bez mesa (Beans without meat)

Sastojci: 400g sarenog pasulja, 2 sargarepe, 1 srednji koren celera, 1 koren persuna, 1 glavica crnog luka, vegeta.


1) Pasulj staviti u serpu i preliti vodom. Ostaviti preko noci. Vodu prosuti.

Napomena:  mozete da kuvate pasulj iako nije bio potopljen preko noci, samo ce se duze kuvati.

2) Sargarepu, koren celera, koren persuna i crni luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati.
3) U serpu staviti pasulj, sipati vodu da predje preko pasulja (otprilike 5 cm) i dodati ocisceno povrce. Kuvati na srednje-jakoj temperaturi (5).  

Napomena: pasulj na slici je i bez crnog luka :)

Ingredients: 400g pinto beans, 2 carrots, 1 medium celery root, 1 parsley root, 1 onion, vegeta or seasoning.


1) Put beans in pot and pour with water. Leave overnight. Spill water.

Note: you can cook the beans without leaving overnight, but it will take longer to cook.

2) Peel carrots, celery and parsley root and onion and finely chop.

3) In pot, put the beans, pour water, to cross over beans (about 5 cm) and add the chopped vegetables. Cook over medium-high temperature (5).

Note: this bean without meat is also without onion :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Svinjski filei sa povrcem (Pork fillets with vegetables)

Sastojci: 400g svinjskog filea, 2 lista slanine (debljine oko 1 cm), 3 paradajza ili 250ml soka od paradajza, 3 pecene paprike, 4 pecurke, 1 manji crni luk, 1 kasicica vegeta (ili 1/2 kasicice soli), prstohvat bibera, ulje za przenje, 


1) Svinjski file iseci na pola do duzini, izlupati kuhinjskim cekicem, iseci plitko nozem sa obe strane (pogotovu ako ima zilica) i zaciniti vegetom ili solju. Paradajz ocistiti i iseci na kockice. Pecurke ocistiti i iseci na listice. Crni luk ocistiti i sitno iseckati. Paprike oljustiti, izvaditi peteljke i iseci na kockice.
2) U tiganj sipati malo ulja i pustiti da se ugreje. Zatim staviti meso i slaninu da se prze, oko 8-10 minuta. Kada meso dobije belinu od oko 1 cm mozete okrenuti da se pece druga strana. Kada se slanina isprzi staviti na par salveta ili ubrusa da upije visak masnoce.
3) U drugi tiganj staviti malo ulja i pustiti da se ugreje, Dodati crni luk i prziti oko 1-2 minuta, povremeno mesajuci. Dodati papriku i prziti jos 1 minut pa dodati paradajz i prziti 2 minuta, pa dodati pecurke i prziti jos 2 minuta. Dodati meso preko povrca i prziti jos 3 minuta. 

Ingredients: 400g pork fillets, 2 sheets of bacon (about 1 cm thick), 3 tomatoes or 250ml of tomato juice, 3 roasted peppers, 4 mushrooms, 1 small onion, 1 teaspoon vegeta or seasoning of your choice (or 1/2 tsp salt), a pinch of pepper, oil for frying.


1) Cut pork fillets in half by length, beat with kitchen hammer, make shallow cuts with knife on both sides (especially if there are veins) add Vegeta or seasoning or salt. Clean tomato and cut into cubes. Clean mushrooms and cut into slices. Clean onion and finely chop. Peel the peppers, remove the stems and cut into cubes.
2) In a frying pan add a little oil and let it heat up. Then put the meat and bacon to fry, about 8-10 minutes, over medium heat. When the meat gets whiteness at the edges, of about 1 cm you can turn to the other side. When the bacon is fried put on a pair of napkins or paper towels to absorb excess oil.

3) In the second pan put a little oil and let it heat up, add onion and fry for about 1-2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the peppers and fry for 1 minute, after that, add the tomatoes and fry for 2 minutes, then add the mushrooms and fry for another 2 minutes. Add the meat over the vegetables and fry for another 3 minutes, shaking the pan few times.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Espreso sa dve vrste sosa (Espresso with two kinds of sauce)

Sastojci: 2 espresa, 200ml vrelog mleka, 1 kasika kakao sosa, 1 kasika sosa od bele cokolade.


1) Pomesati mleko, kakao sos i sos od bele cokolade.
2) Sipati u solju i dodati espreso.  

Ingredients: 2 espresso, 200ml of hot milk, 1 tablespoon cocoa sauce, 1 tablespoon of white chocolate sauce.


1) Mix the milk, cocoa sauce and white chocolate sauce.
2) Pour in mug and add the espresso.

Sos od bele cokolade (White chocolate sauce)

Sastojci: 180ml slatke pavlake, 1 1/2 kasike putera, 300g bele cokolade, 1 kasika vanila ekstrakta, 1 kasicica belog ruma.


1) Belu cokoladu izlomiti na kocke.
2) U serpicu staviti slatku pavlaku i puter. Na niskoj temperaturi, konstantno mesajuci,  otopiti puter i kad slatka pavlaka pocne da krcka skloniti sa sporeta.
3) Dodati cokoladu. Mesati dok se cokolada ne otopi i smesa postane glatka.
4) Umesati vanila ekstrakt i rum. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
5) Sipati u hermeticki zatvorenu kutiju i drzati u frizideru do nedelju dana. 

Ingredients: 180ml heavy cream, 1 1/2 tablespoons of butter, 300g white chocolate, 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon of white rum.


1) Break white chocolate into pieces..
2) In saucepan, put heavy cream and butter. At low temperature, constantly stirring, melt the butter and when heavy cream starts to simmer, remove from stove.
3) Add the chocolate. Stir until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth.
4) Stir in vanilla extract and rum. Allow to cool.

5) Pour into a hermetically sealed container and refrigerate up to one week.

Pljeskavica sa kackavaljem (Hamburger with cheese)

Sastojci: 400g mlevenog mesa, 120g kackavalja, 80g pileceg belog mesa, 4 deblja lista pecenice, 1 manja glavica crnog luka, 3 cena belog luka, 3g mlevenog bibera, 1 kasicica vegete, 30g svinjskih maramica (opciono), maslinovo ulje za przenje.


1) Crni i beli luk oljustiti. Svinjske maramice oprati vodom.
2) Kackavalj, pecenicu, belo meso, crni i beli luk sitno iseckati (na kockice). 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Frape od jagoda i banane (Strawberries and banana smoothie)

Sastojci: 300g jagoda (svezih ili otopljenih sa sokom), 1 banana, 400-500ml jogurta.


1) Bananu iseckati na komade.
2) U blender staviti jagode sa sokom, bananu i jogurt. Blendirati.

Ingredients: 300g strawberries (fresh or thawed with juice), 1 banana, 400-500ml of buttermilk..


1) Cut banana into chunks.

2) In a blender put the strawberries with juice, banana and buttermilk. Blend.

Brza gibanica (Quick cheese pie)

Sastojci: 500g kora, 3 jaja (sobne temperature), 300g kiselog mleka ili kisele pavlake ili 300g belog sira, 10g praska za pecivo, 150ml jogurta, ulje i kisela voda, so, malo margarina.


1) U casu od 200ml, pomesati prst ulja (vodoravno) i prst kisele vode (vertikalno). Promesati.
2) U ciniju staviti prasak za pecivo i so. Odozgo razbiti jaja. Ostaviti pola sata.

Pahuljice sa suvim vocem (Cereal with dried fruits)

Sastojci: pahuljice: 250g ovsenih pahuljica, 250g razanih pahuljica, 250g jecmenih pahuljica, 250 psenicnih pahuljica, suvo voce: suvo grozdje, brusnice, suvi ananas, suve banane ili sveza banana, suve smokve, suve kajsije, suve sljive, urme, i jos: 1 kasika lana u prahu, 1 kasicica cimeta, jogurt.


1) U blender staviti ovsene i razane pahuljice i blendirati oko 1.5 minut. Sipati u hermeticku kutiju.
2) U blender staviti jecmene i psenicne pahuljice i  blendirati oko 1.5 minut. Dodati u kutiju.
3) Suvo grozdje, suve sljive i suve banane potopiti u mlaku vodu i ostaviti pola sata. Procediti. Suve smokve, suve kajsije i urme iseci na manje komade.
4) U ciniju sipati 3 kasike mesavine pahuljica, dodati suvo voce, lan, cimet i preliti jogurtom. Promesati da se sve sjedini i ostaviti pola sata. Po zelji, kasnije dodati jos malo jogurta.

Napomena: mozete staviti suvog voca koliko zelite i koje zelite. Stavite dve vrste pahuljica odjednom u blender jer se lakse melje nego ako je samo jedna tj. samo 250g. Ako imate 750g pahuljica, stavite prvo 500g, pola sipajte u kutiju, pa dodajte 250g na (vrh) vec samlevene pahuljice, u blender i ponovo sameljite. 

Ingredients: cereal: 250g of oat flakes, 250g of rye flakes, 250g of barley flakes, 250g of wheat flakes, dried fruits: raisins, cranberries, dried pineapple, dried bananas or fresh banana, dried figs, dried apricots, prunes, dates, and more: 1 tablespoon of flax powder, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, buttermilk.


1) In a blender put oat and rye flakes and blend, about 1.5 minutes. Pour into a hermetic box.
2) In a blender put barley and wheat flakes and blend about 1.5 minutes. Add to a box.
3) Raisins, prunes and dried bananas soak in lukewarm water and leave for half an hour. Strain. Dried figs, dried apricots and dates, cut into smaller pieces.

4) In a bowl pot 3 tablespoons of mixture of cereal, add dried fruits, flax, cinnamon and pour buttermilk. Mix all together and leave for half an hour. If desired, bit later, add a little more buttermilk.

Note: you can put dried fruit as much as you want and what you want. Put two kinds of cereal at a time in the blender because it's easier to grind than if only one ie. only 250g. If you have 750g of cereal, put first 500g, put half into the box, and add 250g on top of grinded flakes, in a blender and grind again.

Suvo voce - Dried fruits

Samlevene pahuljice - Grinded flakes

Pahuljice sa jogurtom - Flakes with buttermilk

Pahuljice sa suvim grozdjem, brusnicama i lanom - Flakes with rainsins, dried cranberries and flax powder

Pahuljice sa suvim grozdjem, brusnicama, suncokretom i cimetom - Flakes with rainsins, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds and cinnamon

Kisela voda sa viski sirupom (Carbonated water with scotch syrup)

Sastojci: 250ml kisele vode, 1 kasika viski sirupa, kockice leda.


1) Pomesati kiselu vodu sa viski sirupom.
2) U casu staviti kockice leda i sipati kiselu vodu.

Ingredients: 250ml of carbonated water, 1 tablespoon whiskey syrup, ice cubes.


1) Mix carbonated water with whiskey syrup.
2) In glass put ice cubes and pour the carbonated water.

Coko espreso (Choco Espresso)

Sastojci: 2 espresa, 80ml vrelog mleka, 1 kasika cokoladnog sirupa, 1 kasika vanila sirupa


1) Pomesati mleko, cokoladni i vanila sirup.
2) Sipati u casu i dodati espreso.  

Ingredients: 2 espressos, 80ml of hot milk, 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup, 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup.


1) Mix the milk, chocolate and vanilla syrup.
2) Pour into a glass and add espresso.

Note: 1 espresso = single shot.

Najpopularniji recepti u 2011 (Most popular recipes in 2011)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Kuvano vino (Cooked wine)

Sastojci: 750ml crvenog vina, 2-3 jabuke, 200g secera, 15 zrna crnog bibera, 2 kasicice cimeta, 7 karanfilica, 1 limun. 


1) Jabuke oljustiti, izvaditi kostice i iseci na kockice. Limun oprati, iseci na pola, izvaditi kostice, pa iseci na komade.
2) U serpu sipati vino. Dodati secer, biber, cimet, karanfilic i jabuke. Pustiti da prokljuca.
3) Skloniti sa sporeta i ostaviti da odstoji 15-20 minuta.
4) Procediti vino pa sipati u case. Ukrasiti sa komadom limuna i nekoliko kockica jabuka. 

Ingredients: 750ml of red wine, 2-3 apples, 200g sugar, 15 grains of black pepper, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 7 cloves, 1 lemon.


1) Peel apples, remove the pips and cut into cubes. Wash lemon, cut in half, remove pips, and cut into pieces.
2) in a saucepan, pour the wine. Add sugar, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves and apples. Let it boil.
3) Remove from the stove and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.

4) Strain the wine, pour into glasses. Garnish with a piece of lemon and a few cubes of apples.

Najpopularniji recepti u 2010 (Most popular recipes in 2010)