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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Rostiljsko pilece belo meso (Barbecue chicken white meat)

Sastojci: domaci rostilj sos, 1 kg belog mesa, 2 glavice crnog luka, 2 kasike maslinovog ulja.

1) Pripremiti domaci rostilj sos. Odvojiti 1/3 sosa za kasnije. Crni luk oljustiti i iseci na reznjeve.
2) Belo meso iseci na zalogaj kocke.  
3) Belo meso staviti u ciniju, dodati 2/3 rostilj sosa i promesati. Staviti u frizider na 3 sata a bolje preko noci.
4) U pleh staviti papir za pecenje poredjati luk i poprskati maslinovim uljem i promesati. Preko staviti belo meso i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 160 C oko 35 minuta. Pomesati meso i premazati sa preostalim domacim rostilj sosom i peci jos 5 do 10 minuta.

Predlog: ovako mozete pripremiti pilece batake i karabatake i pileca krilca.

Ingredients: homemade barbecue sauce, 1 kg of chicken white meat, 2 onions, 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

1) Prepare homemade barbecue sauce. Separate 1/3 of the sauce for later. Peel the onions and cut into slices.
2) Cut the white meat into a bite size.
3) Put the white meat into the bowl, add 2/3 of the barbecue sauce and stir. Put in the fridge for 3 hours and better overnight.
4) Put baking paper in a baking tray and line with onion and drizzle with olive oil. Stir. Put the white meat and bake in a preheated oven at 160 C for about 35 minutes. Stir and coat meat with the remaining homemade bbq sauce and bake for another 5 to 10 minutes.

Suggestion: this is how you can prepare drumsticks and chicken wings.

Kako napraviti mladi sir (How to make farmer cheese)

Sastojci: 2 L mleka 3.2%, 250ml neutralne pavlake 20%, sok od 2 limuna, oko 200ml alkoholnog sirceta, najmanje 6 kasicica soli.

1) Zagreajti mleko do kljucanja na (4) da ne zagori. Dodati neutralnu pavlaku, sok od limuna i sirce. Promesati. Skloniti sa sporeta. Ostaviti 5 minuta.
2) Jedna gaza (velicine bebine pelene). Posuda, cediljka u nju, gaza u zediljku. Gazu malo pokvasiti vodom. Sipati masu. Iscediti surutku. 
3) Surutku presuti u drugu serpicu. Dodati 3 kasicice soli u sir. Dodati 3 kasicie soli u surutku i prokuvati, do kljucanja pa skloniti sa sporeta. 
4)Zamotati sir. I staviti u posudu. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Mamina krempita (Mom's creampie)

Sastojci: 2 kutije petit ber keksa ili domaceg keksa, malo mleka, 150g secera, 100ml vode, za krem - 5 jaja, 700ml mleka, 50g mekog brasna, 130g secera, 20g vanilina secera, 125g margarina (sobne temperature).

1) Odvojiti belanca od zumanaca. Skuvati mleko.
2) Zumanca penasto umutiti sa secerom i vanilin secerom.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Kremasti kolac sa vocem (Creamy fruit cake)

Sastojci: biskvit, krem od cokolade - 200g cokolade, 200ml slatke pavlake, krem od voca - 500g voca, 100g secera, 150g maskarpone sira, 1 list zelatina, 200ml slaga (umucenog).

1) Pripremiti biskvit testo.
2) Na srednjoj temperaturi (4) otopiti cokoladu sa slatkom pavlakom.
3) Otopiti zelatina sa nekoliko kasika vode. Zagrejati blago da se otopi. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
4) Pomesati voce sa secerom. Dodati maskarpone, zelatin i umutiti mikserom. 
5) Podeliti biskvit na 2 dela. Kora, krem od voca, kora, krem od cokolade.

Ingredients: biscuit, chocolate cream - 200g chocolate, 200ml heavy cream, fruit cream - 500g fruit, 100g sugar, 150g mascarpone cheese, 1 leaf of gelatin, 200ml of whipped cream.

1) Prepare biscuit dough.
2) At medium temperature (4), melt the chocolate with the heavy cream.
3) Dissolve the gelatin with a few tablespoons of water. Heat slightly to dissolve. Allow to cool.
4) Mix the fruit with sugar. Add mascarpone, gelatin and mix with a mixer.
5) Divide the biscuit into 2 parts. Crust, fruit cream, crust, chocolate cream.

Dzem od kajsija i badema (Apricot and almond jam)

Sastojci: 2.5 kg kajsija (bez kostica), 1 kg secera, 20g zelatina, 100g pecenh badema.

1) Kajsije iseci na kocke.
2) U serpu staviti kajsije i secer. Na srednjoj temperaturi (4) mesati da se secer otopi.
3) Zelatin otopiti u 100ml hladne vode i blgao zagrevati da se otopi. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
4) Dodati u kajsije i promesati.
5) Dodati bademe i promesati.
6) Na jakoj vatri (6) kuvati 5 minuta sa konstantnim mesanjem.
7) Sipati u tegle, zatvoriti i okrenuti naopako. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
8) Cuvati naopako u frizideru dok ne pojedete dzem (da se ne stvori budj na vrhu).

Ingredients: 2.5 kg of apricots (peeled and pitted), 1 kg of sugar, 20g of gelatin, 100g of almonds.

1) Cut the apricots into cubes.
2) Put apricots and sugar in the pot. At medium temperature (4), stir to dissolve the sugar.
3) MIx the gelatin in 100ml of cold water and warm over low heat to dissolve. Allow to cool.
4) Add in apricots and stir.
5) Add the almonds and stir.
6) On high heat (6) cook for 5 minutes with constant stirring.
7) Pour into jars, close and turn upside down. Leave to cool.
8) Keep it upside down in the fridge until you have jam (so the mold is not formed).

Sladoled sa rumom i pistacima (Rum and pistachio ice cream)

Sastojci: 1 L mleka (punomasnog), 4 jaja, 300g secera, 20g vanilin secera, 100ml ruma, 50g cokolade (na kockice), 100g suvog grozdja, 100g pistaca.

1) Penasto umutiti jaja sa secerom i vanilin secerom.
2) Na srednjoj temepraturi (4) kuvati mleko sa jajima dok se ne zgusne.
3) Mesati dok se ne ohladi.
4) Dodati rum, cokoladu i pistace i promesati.
5) Sipati u posude i staviti u zamrzivac.

Ingredients: 1 L milk (full fat), 4 eggs, 300g sugar, 20g vanillin sugar, 100ml rum, 50g chocolate (diced), 100g dried grapes, 100g pistachios.

1) Whisk eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar until foamu.
2) At medium temperature (4), cook the milk with the eggs until thickened.
3) Stir until cool.
4) Add rum, chocolate and pistachios and stir.

5) Pour into containers and place in freezer.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Kako napraviti kondezovano mleko? (How to make condensed milk?)

Sastojci: 1 L mleka (punomasnog), 220g secera, 20g vanilin secera.

1) U serpu sipati mleko i pustiti da prokljuca kad pena podcne da se (brzo) dize skloniti sa sporeta.
2) Smanjiti na srednje nisku temperaturu (3) ili nisku (2) i sacekati da se temperatura snizi.
3) Dodati secer i kuvati najmanje 1 sat povremeno mesajuci. Mozete kuvati do 1 sat i 20 minuta.
4) Ostaviti da se ohladi.

Ingredients: 1 L milk (full fat), 220g sugar, 20g vanillin sugar.

1) Pour milk into the pot and let it boil when the foam starts to rise (quickly) remove from stove.
2) Reduce to medium-low (3) or low (2) and wait for the temperature to drop.
3) Add sugar and cook for at least 1 hour stirring occasionally. You can cook for up to 1 hour and 20 minutes.
4) Allow to cool.

Sladoled od kajsija (Apricot ice cream)

Sastojci: 600g kajsije, 500ml slatke pavlake, 3 kasike secera, 2 kasike ruma, 2 belanceta.

1) Kajsije oljustiti izvaditi i iseci na kocke.
2) U ciniji pomesati kajsije, secer i rum sa mikserom.
3) Umutiti slatku pavlaku.
4) Penasto umutiti belanca.
5) Pomesati belanca, slatku pavlaku i kajsije.
6) Sipati u posude i staviti u zamrzivac.

Ingredients: 600g apricots, 500ml heavy cream, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of rum, 2 egg whites.

1) Peel the apricots and remove the pits. Cut into cubes.
2) In a bowl mix apricots, sugar and rum with a hand mixer.
3) Whisk the sour cream.
4) Whisk the egg whites.
5) Stir in the egg whites, sour cream and apricots.
6) Pour into containers and place in freezer.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Kako pripremiti patlidzan? (How to preprare eggplant?)

Sastojci: patlidzan, so, maslinovo ulje.

Ako przite patlidzan-operite patlidzan, iseci na krajeve, pa iseci na kolutove 1 do 1,5cm debljine. Na pleh staviti papirni ubrus, i svako parce patlidzana posoliti sa obe strane. Ostaviti 30 minuta. Dobro isprati hladnom vodom so. Pokupiti vodu papirnim ubrusom. Prziti na ulju.

Ako pecete u rerni- operite patlidzan, iseci na krajeve, pa iseci na pola po duzini. Izbosti na nekoliko mesta viljuskom ili na isecenoj strani zaseci nozem nekoliko puta tako da dobijete rombove, posoliti u zaseke i ostaviti 30 minuta. Obrisati so i malo pritisnuti patlidzan sa strane da izadje tecnost. Premazati maslinovim uljem, staviti na papir za pecenje (isecenom stranom na dole) i peci na 200C oko 1 sat. Kasikom izvaditi sredinu patlidzana.

Ako dinstate patlidzan-operite patlidzan, iseci na krajeve, iseci na kockice. Na pleh staviti papirni ubrus, posoliti po ukusu. Ostaviti 30 minuta. Dobro isprati hladnom vodom so. Pokupiti vodu papirnim ubrusom. U tiganj sipatu ulje, staviti patlidzan i dinstati na srednjoj temperaturi povremeno dolivajuci vodu.

Ingredients: eggplant, salt and olive oil.

If you fry eggplant-Wash eggplant, cut the ends, and cut into slices 1 to 1.5 cm thick. On a baking sheet place a paper towel, and salt each piece of eggplant on both sides. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water thoroughly. Soak up the water with a paper towel. Fry in oil.

If you bake in oven- Wash eggplant, cut the ends and cut in half lengthwise. Pierce in several places with a fork or cut with knife a few times (on cut side) so you get the rhomboids, salt in cuts and leave for 30 minutes. Wipe the eggplant and  squeeze a little to the side to get out liquid. Coat with olive oil, place on baking paper (cut side down) and bake at 200C for about 1 hour. Spoon the middle of eggplant.

If you simmer the eggplant-Wash eggplant, cut the ends, cut into cubes. On a baking sheet place a paper towel, season with salt to taste. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Soak up the water with a paper towel. In a pan pour oil, put the eggplant and simmer on medium heat adding water.

Dzem od dunja (Quince jam)

Sastojci: 3kg dunja, 700ml vode, 2 kasicice limuntusa, 700g secera.

1) Dunje oljustiti i ocistiti. Iseckati na kocke.
2) U serpu sipati vodu i pustiti da prokljuca na srednjoj temperaturi (4). Dodati dunje i kuvati sa limutusom dok ne omeksaju.
3) Staviti u blender i usitniti.
4) Vratiti u serpu, dodati secer i kuvati do zeljene gustine. 
5) Sipati u oprane, zagrejane i sterilisane tegle. Pokriti krpom i ostaviti da se ohlade preko noci. Zatvoriti i drzati tegle naopako dok se ne pojede dzem (da se ne bi budj hvatala na povrsini).

Ingredients: 3kg quince, 700ml water, 2 tablespoons citric acid, 700g sugar.

1) Peel and clean the quince. Cut into cubes.
2) Pour water into the pot and let it boil over medium temperature (4). Add quince and cook with citric acid until softened.
3) Put in a blender and finely chop.
4) Return to the pot, add the sugar and cook until thickens as much as you like.
5) Pour into washed, warmed and sterilized jars. Cover with a cloth and allow to cool overnight. Close and hold the jars upside down until the jam is eaten (to prevent it from catching mold on the surface).

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lazanja s povrcem (Lasagna with vegetables)

Sastojci: 8 listova lazanje, 300g spanaca, 300g pecurki, 1 tikvica, 400g paradajza, 200ml soka od paradajza ili sosa od paradajza, 2 sargarepe, 150g kackavalja (rendanog), 1 stap celera sa listovima, 3 cena belog luka, 1 kasika mesavine suvih biljaka (origano, bosiljak, timijan, persun, celer, ruzmarin, vlasac, korijander, mirodjija).

1) Pecurke, tikvice, sargarepu i paradajz oljustiti. Pecurke iseci na listice, tikvice, sargarepu i paradajz na kocke. Beli luk i oljustiti i sitno iseckati.Celer sitno iseckati. Pripremiti spanac.
2) U serpu pecurke, tikvicu, sargarepu, beli luk, celer i suvo bilje i prziti nekoliko minuta. Ako je potrebno dodati malo vode i kuvati jos 15 miuta.

Stapici lososa sa grilovanim povrcem (Grilled salmon sticks with grilled vegetables)

Sastojci: 500g lososa (fileti), 60g brasna, 1 jaje, 60g prezli, 5 komada crvenog krompira, 1+2 kasike maslinovog ulja, 2 korena paskanata ili persuna, 4 sargarepe, 1/2 kasicice suvog persuna, 1/2 kasicice suvog celera. 

1) Krompir, paskanat ili persun oljustiti i iseci na stapice.
2) U pleh na papir za pecenje poredjati krompir i poprskati kaskom maslinovog ulja. 

Palacinke od povrca bez jaja i glutena (Egg and gluten free vegetable pancakes)

Sastojci: 250g brasna od leblebija, 1 kasicica kurkume u prahu, 185ml vode, 1/2 kasicice praska za pecivo, 50g lista korijandera ili persuna (sitno seckanog), 100g spanaca, 200g sargarepe, 1/2 krompira (100g).

1) Krompir i sargarepu oljustiti. Sargarepu narendati. Obariti krompir u malo vode. Ocediti i izgnjeciti. Pripremiti spanac i iseci na trake.
2) U ciniji pomesati brasno, prasak za pecivo i kurkumu. Dodati vodu i promesati. Dodati krompir pirea, korijander i promesati. Dodati spanac i sargarepu dobro promesati.
3) U tiganj staviti malo ulja i razmazati salvetom. Staviti kutlacu smese istanjiti i peci oko 3 do 4 minuta sa obe strane.

Predlog: mozete napraviti Pljeskavice od crvenog sociva.

Ingredients: 250g of chickpea flour, 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 185ml of water, 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder, 50g of coriander or parsley leaves (finely chopped), 100g of spinach, 200g of carrots, 1/2 of potatoe (100g).

1) Peel potatoes and carrots. Shred carrots. Cover the potatoes in a little water and cook. Drain and mash. Prepare spinach and cut into strips.
2) In a bowl, mix flour, baking powder and turmeric. Add water and stir. Add mashed potatoes, coriander and stir. Add the spinach and carrots stir well.

3) Put some oil in the pan and smear with a napkin. Place laddle of batter and fry for about 3 to 4 minutes on both sides.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Kolac od jabuka (Apple cake)

Sastojci: 160g margarina, 3 jaja, 2 kasike secera, 6g praska za pecivo, 300g mekog brasna, 500g kiselih jabuka, 1 kasika griza, 80g secera, malo ulja.

1) Umutiti zumanca sa 2 kasike secera, dodati umucen margarin, pa dobro izmesati.
2) Dodati brasno sa praskom za pecivo i izmesati.
3) Podmazati pleh i posuti brasnom.
4) Razvuci testo u pleh i peci.
5) Kad je upola peceno, izvaditi i staviti jabuke isecene na krugove.
6) Umutiti belanca sa secerom i dodati griz, pa sjediniti.
7) Preliti preko jabuka i vratiti u rernu da se pece.

Predlog: mozete napraviti i Pitu od jabuka bez jaja sa korama.

Ingredients: 160g margarine, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar, 6g of baking powder, 300g soft flour, 500g sour apples, 1 tablespoon semolina, 80g sugar, a little oil.

1) Whisk egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of sugar, add the margarine mixture and stir well.
2) Add flour with baking powder and stir.
3) Lightly grease baking pan and sprinkle with flour.
4) Develop the dough and place into pan and bake.
5) When it is half baked, remove and put apples sliced ​​in circles.
6) Whisk the egg whites with sugar and add the semolina. Mix well.
7) Pour over apples and return it to oven to bake.

Suggestion: you make Phyllo dough apple pie without eggs with phyllo dough.