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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Biskvit testo sa krem sirom (Biscuit dough with cream cheese)

Sastojci: 6 jaja (vecih), 370g brasna, 50ml soka od svezeg limuna, 5g praska za pecivo, 0.6g soli, 350g margarina, 250g krem sira, 320g secera, 30g vanilin secera, 100g kisele pavlake, 8ml vanila ekstrakta ili 20g vanilin secera.

Napomena: sve namirnice treba da budu sobne temperature i mekane. Pleh velicine 30x40cm, ako imate. Ako nemate pogledajte savete na kraj recepta.


1) Pomesati brasno, prasak za pecivo i so.

2) Za koru prvi deo: sa mikserom na najnizoj brzini, mutiti jaja jedno po jedno muteci posle dodavanja svakog. Kad se jaja umute, dodati drugo, pazeci da ne mutite previse.

3) Dodati mesavinu brasna i sa mikserom na srednjoj brzini mutiti samo dok se ne sjedini. Dodati sok od limuna i mutiti opet dok se ne sjedini. 

4) Za koru drugi deo: u drugoj ciniji mikserom umutiti margarin dok ne postane kremast i gladak (oko 3 minuta). Dodati krem sir i mutiti dok se ne sjedini (oko 1 minut). Dodati secer i ponovo mutiti dok se ne sjedini (oko 1 minut). Dodati kiselu pavlaku i vanila ekstrakt ili vanilin secer i mutiti dok se ne sjedini i postane kremasto.

5) Spojiti mesavinu jaja i brasna sa mesavinom od krem sira i mikserom mutiti samo dok se ne sjedini. Sa mutilicom za jaja ili sa gumenom spatulom promesati kratko samo da budete sigurni da nema grudvica. Smesa ce biti kremasta i gusta.

6) Pleh premazati margarinom, pa staviti papir za pecenje. Sipati smesu u pleh i poravnati. Rukama uhvatiti pleh i udariti par puta od sto, da izadju baloncici ako ih ima. Peci u prethodno zagrajnoj rerni na 160 C oko 25 do 35 minuta. Cackalicom proveriti da li je peceno testo. Zabodite u sredinu, ako izadje cista, bez testa onda je peceno.

7) Izvaditi iz rerne i ostaviti da se ohladi u plehu. 

8) Izvaditi biskvit iz pleha.

Savet 1: ako ste koristili masan papir koji ne mozete lako da skinete, premazite ceo papir vodom i sacekati 5 minuta.

Savet 2: ako nemate pleh od 30x40xm i ako ste testo uradili deblje, sacekajte do sledeceg dana sa secenjem, da se testo potpuno ohladi.

Savet 3: da bi ste isekli ravnu povrsinu, nozem zasecite na zeljenu visinu, a zatim u prorez uvucite konac kojim obavijete ceo krug, na drugom kraju ukrstite konac i zategnite kao da pravite cvor.

Savet 4: biskvit treba peci jedan dan pre planiranog posluzenja.

Savet 5: ako koristite dublji pleh, mozda ce vam trebati duze vreme pecenja od 35 minuta.

Savet 6: nemojte koristiti pleh za kolacice.

Ingredients: 6 eggs (larger), 370g flour, 50ml fresh lemon juice, 5g baking powder, 0.6g salt, 350g margarine, 250g cream cheese, 320g sugar, 30g vanilla sugar, 100g sour cream, 8ml vanilla extract or 20g vanillin sugar.

Note: all ingredients should be room temperature and soft. Tray size 30x40cm, if you have. If you don't have one, see the tips at the end of the recipe.


1) Mix flour, baking powder and salt.

2) For the crust, first part: with a mixer on the lowest speed, beat the eggs one by one, stirring after adding each. When the eggs are beaten, add another, being careful not to mix too much.

3) Add the flour mixture and stir with a mixer on medium speed only until combined. Add the lemon juice and stir again until combined.

4) For the crust, second part: in another bowl, beat the margarine with a mixer until it becomes creamy and smooth (about 3 minutes). Add the cream cheese and stir until combined (about 1 minute). Add sugar and stir again until combined (about 1 minute). Add sour cream and vanilla extract or vanilla sugar and stir until combined and creamy.

5) Combine the egg and flour mixture with the cream cheese mixture and stir with a mixer only until combined. Stir briefly with an egg whisk or rubber spatula just to make sure there are no lumps. The mixture will be creamy and thick.

6) Coat the baking tray with margarine, then put baking paper. Pour the mixture into a baking tray and flatten. Grab the tray with your hands and hit a couple of times at the table, to get the bubbles out if there are any. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 C for about 25 to 35 minutes. Use a toothpick to check if the dough is baked. Stick in the middle, if it comes out clean, no dough, then it’s baked.

7) Remove from the oven and leave to cool in the pan.

8) Remove the biscuit from the baking tray.

Tip 1: If you used greaseproof paper and you can't easily remove the biscuit, coat the whole paper with water and wait 5 minutes.

Tip 2: if you do not have a 30x40xm tray and if you have made the dough thicker, wait until the next day with the cutting, for the dough to cool completely.

Tip 3: to cut a flat surface, cut with a knife to the desired height, then pull the thread into the slot then wrap the whole circle, cross the thread at the other end and tighten as if making a knot.

Tip 4: The biscuit should be baked one day before the planned serving.

Tip 5: If you plan to use a deeper pan, you may need a longer baking time than 35 minutes.

Tip 6: Do not use a cookie sheet.

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