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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Cokoladni sirup (Chocolate syrup)

Sastojci: 380ml vode, 330g zutog secera, 250g kakaoa, prstohvat soli, 1 kasicica vanila ekstrakta.


1) Pomesati kakao i so. 
2) U serpicu sipati vodu i dodati secer. Pustiti da provri mesajuci dok se secer ne rastopi. Skloniti sa sporeta.

3) Dodavati postepeno kakao stalno mesajuci. Vratiti na sporet i kuvati na srednjoj temperaturi dok se ne zgusne, oko 5 minuta.
4) Dodati ekstrakt vanile, promesati i ostaviti da se ohladi.
5) Sipati u hermeticki zatvorenu kutiju i drzati u frizideru do 2 nedelje.

Ingredients: 380ml of water, 330g of brown sugar, 250g of cocoa, a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.


1) Mix the cocoa and salt.
2) In saucepan pour water and add sugar. Let it boil strring constantly until the sugar is melted. Remove from stove.
3) Add gradually cocoa constantly stirring. Return to the stove and cook over medium heat until thickened, about 5 minutes.
4) Add the vanilla extract, stir and leave to cool.

5) Pour into a hermetically sealed container and refrigerate up to 2 weeks.

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