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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Domace bombone protiv kaslja (Homemade cough candy)

Sastojci: 125g meda, 2 kasike svezeg limunovog soka, 1 kasicica svezeg rendanog djumbira (oljusten i sitno narendan), za oblaganje - secer u prahu, mleveni cimet, itd.


1) U dubljoj serpici drvenom varjacom pomesati med, limunov sok i djumbir.

2) Zagrejati do kljucanja na srednje-niskoj temperaturi (3) pa smanjiti na nisku temperaturu (2) i kuvati cesto mesajuci kako med ne bi izgoreo.

Ako se kuva presporo za vas, mozete kuvati na srednje-niskoj temperaturi, ali ako se napravi pena, a hoce, onda sklonite sa sporeta na nekoliko sekundi pa vratite natrag.

3) Staviti malo u posudu sa hladnom vodom i ako se stvrdne, gotovo je. Skonite sa sporeta i ostavite da se ohladi nekoliko minuta.

4) Izlijte bombonsku smesu u silikonski kalup ili drvenom kasicicom sipajte malo smese na papir za pecenje. Ostavite da se ohladi dok se bombone nestvrdnu.

5) Uvaljajte bombone cimetom u prahu ili secerom u prahu. Ako ih niste uvaljali, obavezno stavite bombone, svaku posebno, u deblji plasticni papir (kao Ziploc kesice) ili papir za pecenje.

6) Ako ste uvaljali bombone, cuvati u dobro zatvorenoj posudi, a ako niste, cuvati u frizideru. Bombone se mogu cuvati do mesec dana.

Predlog: mozete napraviti i Sirup za iskasljavanje i bol u grudima.

Ingredients: 125g honey, 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger (peeled and finely grated), for coating drops - powdered sugar, ground cinnamon, etc


1) In deep saucepan mix honey, lemon juice and ginger with wooden spoon.

2) Heat to boiling over medium-low heat (3) than drop to low heat (2) and cook stirring often to prevent honey from burning.

If it cooks too slowly for you, you can cook over medium-low heat, but if it foams and it will, remove for dew seconds from stove and return back.

3) Drop some of it in a bowl with cold water and if it hardens it's ready. Remove from stove and let it cool for few minutes.

4) Pour candy mixture into silicone mold or drop with wooden teaspoon on baking paper. Let cool until candies are hard.

5) Coat candies with cinnamon powder or powdered sugar. If not coated make sure to put candies, individually, in thick plastic paper (like Ziploc bag) or baking paper.

6) If you have rolled candy, store it in a well-sealed container and, if not, store in the refrigerator. Candy can be stored for up to a month.

Suggestion: you can make Syrup for cough and chest pain.

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