Sastojci: 200g kupusa (svezeg, rendanog), 150-200g sargarepe, 100-150g korena celera, 100ml majoneza, 180g kisele pavlake.
1) Sargarepu i koren celera oprati, oljustiti i izrendati na krupno.
2) U ciniji pomesati kupus, sargarepu i koren celera. Dodati majonez i kiselu pavlaku i promesati da se sve sjedini.
3) Ostaviti u frizideru 2h sata.
Savet: ako volite kremastije mozete povecati koicinu majoneza i kisele pavlake. Ako volite sargarepu i celer mozete dodati jos.
Ingredients: 200g cabbage (fresh, grated), 150-200g carrots, 100-150g celery root, 100ml mayonnaise, 180g sour cream.
1) Wash carrots and celery root and peel and grate them coarsely.
2) In a bowl, mix the cabbage, carrots and celery root. Add mayonnaise and sour cream and stir to combine.
3) Leave in the fridge for 2 hours.
Tip: if you like creamier you can increase the amount of mayonnaise and sour cream. If you like carrots and celery you can add more.
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