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Saturday, March 13, 2021

Kako pripremiti tempeh? (How to prepare tempeh?)

Kako pripremiti tempeh u tiganju?

Sastojci:  60g tempeha, 1 kasika povrtne supe, 250ml prokuvane vode, 1 kasika tamari sosa (sa niskim sadrzajem natrijuma), 1 kasika sirupa od javora*, 1/2 kasicice slatke aleve paprike, prstohvat bibera. 

*Napomena: ako imate dijabetes tipa 2 (insulinski dijabetes) izostavite sirup od javora.


1) Iseci tempeh na trake debljine oko 1 cm.

2) Pomesati tamari sos, sirup od javora, alevu papriku, slatku alevu papriku i biber. Promesati da se sjedine sastojci.

3) Staviti tempeh u nelepljiv tiganj u jedan red i preliti sosom. 

4) Na srednjoj temperaturi (4) prziti oko 3 minuta. Okrenuti na drugu stranu i prziti jos 3 minuta. Ponavljati proces sve dok sos skoro ne ispari, a sos postane lepljiv. Tempeh ce se povecati malo u velicini.

5) Smanjiti na srednje nisku temperaturu (3) i cesto okrecuci prziti druge dve stranice tempeha.

6) Kada sav sos isprati prziti jos jedan minut, okrecuci tempeh svo vreme, da se tempeh karamelizuje..

Kako pripremiti tempeh u rerni?

Sastojci: 200g tempeha, 50ml susamovog ili maslinovog ulja, 35ml tamari sosa (sa niskim sadrzajem natrijuma), 35ml javorovog sirupa**, 1 kasika soka od limuna (svezeg), 1 kasicica belog luka u prahu, 1/2 kasicice aleve paprike u prahu, 1/4 kasicice bibera.

**Napomena: ako imate dijabetes tipa 2 (insulinski dijabetes) izostavite sirup od javora.


1) U serpicu sipati vodu oko 3 cm i pustiti da prokljuca na visokoj temperaturi (6). Smanjiti na srednje nisku (3),  staviti tempeh (u komadu), poklopiti i kuvati 10 minuta. 

2) Isprati vodom ibe osusiti sa papirnim ubrusima.

3) Iseci tempeh na tanke kocke. 

4) Pomesati susamovo ili maslinovo ulje, tamari sos, javorov sirup, sok od limuna, beli luk u prahu, alevu papriku i biber. Promesati dok se sastojci ne sjedine. Ostaviti 1/3 marinade sa strane. 2/3 marinade preliti preko tempeha i promesati. 

5) Ostaviti u frizideru 1 sat.

6) U pleh staviti papir za pecenje i poredjati tempeh, u jedan red (ne stavljati jedan na drugi). Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200C oko 20 minuta ili dok ne postane zlatno braon. Izvaditi iz pleha.

7) Sa 1/3 marinade preliti kockice tempeha.

Predlog: mozete posluziti uz salate, sendvice, rolnice s povrcem, knedle ili rezance, grilovano povrce ili uz vegan recepte. 

How to prepare tempeh in a frying pan?

Ingredients: 60g tempeh, 1 tablespoon vegetable soup, 250ml boiled water, 1 tablespoon tamari sauce (low sodium), 1 tablespoon maple syrup*, 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika, a pinch of pepper.

*Note: if you have type 2 diabetes (insulin diabetes) omit maple syrup.


1) Cut the tempes into strips about 1 cm thick.

2) Mix tamari sauce, maple syrup, sweet paprika and pepper. Stir to combine ingredients.

3) Put the tempeh in a non-stick pan in one row and pour over the sauce.

4) At medium heat (4) fry for about 3 minutes. Turn to the other side and fry for another 3 minutes. Repeat the process until the sauce almost evaporates and the sauce becomes sticky. The tempeh will increase slightly in size.

5) Reduce to a medium low temperature (3) and fry the other two sides of the tempeh often by turning.

6) When all the sauce is gone, fry for another minute, turning the tempeh all the time, so that the tempeh caramelizes.

How to prepare tempeh in the oven?

Ingredients: 200g tempeh, 50ml sesame or olive oil, 35ml tamari sauce (low sodium), 35ml maple syrup**, 1 teaspoon lemon juice (fresh), 1 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika powder, 1/4 teaspoon pepper.

**Note: if you have type 2 diabetes (insulin diabetes) omit maple syrup.


1) Pour water about 3 cm into the saucepan and let it boil at a high temperature (6). Reduce to medium low (3), put tempeh (in pieces), cover and cook for 10 minutes.

2) Rinse with water and dry with paper towels.

3) Cut the tempeh into thin cubes.

4) Mix sesame or olive oil, tamari sauce, maple syrup, lemon juice, garlic powder, sweet paprika and pepper. Stir until the ingredients are combined. Leave 1/3 of the marinade aside. Pour 2/3 of the marinade over the tempeh and stir.

5) Leave in the fridge for 1 hour.

6) Put baking paper in a baking tray and arrange the tempeh, in one row (do not put one on top of the other). Bake in a preheated oven at 200C for about 20 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan.

7) Pour 1/3 of the marinade over the diced tempeh.

Suggestion: you can serve it with salads, sandwiches, wrap rolls with vegetables, dumplings or noodles, grilled vegetables or with vegan recipes.

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