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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Kako napraviti hleb bez kvasca (How to make bread without yeast)

Sastojci: 750g graham brasna, 1 kasicica praska za pecivo, 1 kasika zutog secera, 3 kasike susama+jos malo za posipanje, 400-500ml kisele vode, malo ulja.


1) Pomesati sve suve sastojke. 
2) Pazljivo sipati kiselu vodu i dobro sjediniti.
3) Pleh za hleb namazati uljem. Staviti hleb. Posuti susamom.
4) Peci u zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 45 minuta, ili dok cackalica koji ste stavili u sredinu ne izadje cista.
5) Ostaviti da se ohladi pa seci.

Predlog: mozete napraviti hleb bez kvasca sa semenkama od mesanog brasna.

Ingredients: 750g graham flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 3 tablespoons sesame seeds + some more for sprinkling, 400-500ml of mineral water, a little oil.


1) Mix all dry ingredients.
2) Carefully pour the carbonated water and combine well.
3) Bread baking pan smear with oil. Place the bread. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
4) Bake in preheated oven at 200 C for about 45 minutes, or until toothpick that you inserted in the middle comes out clean.
5) Allow to cool and cut.

Suggestion: you can make bread witouth yeast with seeds with mixture of flour.

Intergralne spagete za visok krvni pritisak (Integral spaghetti for high blood pressure)

Sastojci: integralne spagete, blansiran spanac, 4 cena belog luka, 1 kasika gi putera, 3 kasike maslinovog ulja, 1 kasicica suvog bosiljka, 1 kasicica suvog persuna.


1) Integralne spagete skuvati u posoljenoj vodi. Beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Blansiran spanac iseci na trake.
2) U tiganju zagrejati gi puter. Dodati beli luk i kratko proprziti. Skloniti sa sporeta.
3) Pomesati spagete sa belim lukom, preliti sa maslinovim uljem, posuti bosiljkom i persunom i promesati. 
4) Na kraju, dodati spanac i jos jednom sve promesati.

Ingredients: integral spaghetti, blanched spinach, 4 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon ghee butter, 3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon dried basil, 1 teaspoon dried parsley.


1) Cook Integral spaghetti in salted water. Peel garlic and finely chop. Blanched spinach cut into strips.
2) In a frying pan heat the butter. Add garlic and fry briefly. Remove from stove.
3) Mix the spaghetti with garlic, pour the olive oil, sprinkle with basil and parsley and mix well.

4) Finally, add the spinach and stir again all.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Voce konzervirano u rumu 2 (Fruit preserved in rum 2)

Sastojci: 3 do 4 kg voca, 750ml jakog ruma, 3 do 4 kg secera.


1) U cistu emajliranu posudu  stavite 500g pripremljenog voca, pospite ga sa 500g secera (kristal), pa tako redom dok ne utrosite sav materijal.
2) Ostavite pokriveno da stoji 3 sata.
3) Zatim stavite u posudu pa prelijte celom kolicinom ruma. Promesajte pazljivo drvenom kasikom, pa napunite ciste tegle.
4) Povezite duplim celofanom tako vazduh unutra ne prodre.

5) Nakon 6 do 8 nedelja voce se moze upotrebljavati. Ali, sto duze stoji, to je bolje.

Ingredients: 3-4 kg of fruit, 750ml strong rum, 3-4 kg of sugar.


1) In a clean enamel pot put 500g of prepared fruit, sprinkle it with 500g of sugar, and so on until all material is used up.
2) Leave covered to stand for 3 hours.
3) Then put in a pot and pour with the whole quantity of rum. Stir gently with a wooden spoon, then fill clean jars.
4) Cover good with double cellophane and tie with elastic rubber bands so the air does not get inside. 

5) After 6-8 weeks fruit can be used. But the longer it stands, the better.

Voce konzervisano u rumu 1 (Fruit preserved in rum 1)

Sastojci: 750g voca, 750g secera (kristal), 900ml ruma, 1/2 kasicice konzervansa.


1) Odabrano i pripremljeno voce stavite  u cistu posudu i pospite sa secerom.
2) Ostavite tako da stoji oko 3 sata , a zatim dospite rum.
3) Izmesajte sve cistom drvenom kasikom, dodati konzervans i sipati u ciste tegle.
4) Povezati duplim celofanom i ostaviti na hladnom do upotrebe (6 do 8 nedelja, a moze i duze).

Ingredients: 750g of fruit, 750g of sugar), 900ml of rum, 1/2 teaspoon preservatives.


1) Selected and prepared fruit put in a clean pot and sprinkle with sugar.
2) Leave to stand for about 3 hours, and then pour the rum.
3) Stir all with clean wooden spoon, add the preservative and pour into a clean jars.
4) Cover good with double cellophane and tie with elastic rubber bands and leave until used (6 to 8 weeks, but may take longer).

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Giht - sedmodnevni jelovnik (Gout - seven-day menu)


Dorucak: mlaka voda sa sokom od svezeg limuna, jabuka, parce beskvasnog integralnog hleba, mladi nemasni sir i zelena salata.

Uzina: sok od sveze sargarepe.

Rucak: corba od korenastog povrca i pecen krompir u ljusci sa dodatkom sosa od paradajza. 

Vecera: griz kuvan na mleku.


Dorucak: sok od sveze pomorandze i limuna, ovsena kasa s bademima i medom.

Uzina: jabuka, voda ili caj.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Salata od krompira i boranije (Potatoes and green beans salad)

Sastojci: 1 kg crvenog krompira, 450g boranije, 80g svezeg bosiljka, 1 manja glavica crnog luka, so i biber, za preliv - 2 cena belog luka, 80ml sirceta, 3 kasike senfa, 180ml maslinovog ulja.


1. Krompir dobro oprati. Boraniju oprati i iseci peteljke. Crni i beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Bosiljak sitno iseckati.
2. U dublju serpu, staviti krompir i dodati vodu. Pustiti da prokljuca i kuvati dok krompir ne bude gotov, oko 20 minuta. Nakon 10 minuta kuvanja dodati boraniju. 
3.  Procediti i ostaviti da se ohladi. 
4. Krompir iseci na cetvrtine.
5. U ciniju staviti krompir i boraniju. Dodati bosiljak, crni luk, so i biber po ukusu. Promesati.
6. U drugu ciniju, pomesati sirce, beli luk, senf i maslinovog ulje. 
7. Preliti preko krompira i boranije i promesati.   

Ingredients: 1 kg of red potatoes, 450g of green beans, 80g of fresh basil, 1 small onion, salt and pepper, for dressing - 2 cloves of garlic, 80ml vinegar, 3 tablespoons mustard, 180ml olive oil.


1. Wash well potatoes. Wash green beans and cut stems. Peel onion and garlic and finely chop. Finely chop the basil.
2. In a deeper pot, put the potatoes and add water. Allow to boil and cook until potatoes are tender, about 20 minutes. After 10 minutes of cooking add green beans.
3. Strain and leave to cool.
4. Cut potatoes into quarters.
5. In a bowl, put potatoes and green beans. Add basil, onion, salt and pepper to taste. Mix well.
6. In another bowl, mix the vinegar, garlic, mustard and olive oil.

7. Pour over potatoes and green beans and stir well.

Sarmice od zelja (Stuffed greens)

Sastojci: 20 listova zelja, 1 kasika sirceta, prstohvat soli, 500g mlevenog mesa, 1 veca sargarepa ili 2 manje, 1 manja glavica crnog luka, 1-2 cena belog luka, 1/4 korena celera, 80g pirinca, so, biber, maslinovo ulje, vrela voda i 2 kasike sitno seckanog persuna.


1. Listove zelja operite i stavite u dublju serpu. Prelijte vrelom vodom, dodajte sirce i so. Poklopite i ostavite 5 minuta .
Pirinac prelijte vrelom vodom i ostavite sa strane. Procediti.
3. Crni i beli luk, sargarepu i koren celera oljustiti i sitno iseckati. 
4. Na ulju proprziti crni luk, na srednjoj vatri. Dodati sargarepu i koren celera. Promesati i prziti jos nekoliko minuta.
5. Dodati meso i malo vrele vode. Dinstati uz povremeno mesanje i dodavanje vode dok meso ne bude kuvano do pola.
6. Dodati pirinac i beli luk i kuvati jos nekoliko minuta. Skloniti sa sporeta.
7. Posoliti i pobiberiti po ukusu. Dodati persun i promesati.
8. Omeksalim listovima zelja uklonite zadebljane peteljke. 
9. Na nalicje stavite jednu kasiku fila. Preklopite levu i desnu stranu lista ka sredini pa uvite sarmicu. Ponovite korak 9 dok ne utrosite sav fil i listove zelja,
10. Vatrostalnu ciniju blago namazti uljem. Staviti 2 lista na dno cinije. Sarmice redjati u ciniju. Pokriti sarmice sa 2-3 lista zelja. Sipati toliko vode da ostane oko 1 cm sarmica bez vode. Pokriti folijom i poklopiti.
11. U prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 stepeni C, peci sarmice oko 40-45 minuta. 
12. Posluziti uz kiselo mleko.

Ingredients: 20 sheets of greens, 1 tablespoon vinegar, pinch of salt, 500g minced meat, 1 bigger carrot or 2 smaller, 1 small onion, 1-2 cloves garlic, 1/4 celery root, 80g rice, salt, pepper, olive oil, hot water and 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley.


1. Greens leaves wash and place in a deep pot. Pour the boiling water, add vinegar and salt. Cover and leave for 5 minutes.
2. Pour boiling water over rice and set aside. Strain.
3, Peel onion, garlic, carrot(s) and celery root and finely chop.
4. In the oil, over medium haet, fry onion. Add carrot(s) and celery. Stir and fry for a few minutes.
5. Add the meat and a little boiling water. Cook, stirring occasionally and adding water until the meat is cooked halfway.
6. Add the rice and garlic and cook for a few minutes. Remove from stove.
7. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add parsley and stir.
8. Remove thickened stems from softened greens leaves,.
9. On the reverse side put one tablespoon of filling. Fold the left and right side of the leaf to the middle and wrap. Repeat step 9 until you have used up the filling and greens,
10. Oven proof baking dish smear lightly with oil. Put 2 leaves at the bottom. Arrange stuffed rolls in baking dish. Cover the rolls with 2-3 leaves of greens. Pour enough water to remain around 1 cm rolls without water. Cover with foil and cover with the lid.
11. In the pre-heated oven at 180 degrees C, bake rolls around 40-45 minutes.
12. Serve with sour milk.

Ledeni caj sa sirupom od breskve (Iced tea with peach syrup)

Sastojci: 250ml caja, 2 kasike sirupa od breskve, 1 kasika sirupa od badema, kockice leda.


1) Skuvan i ohladjen caj (na sobnoj temperaturi) staviti u frizider da se ohladi.
2) U casu staviti kockice leda i sipati caj. 
3) Dodati sirup od breskve i badema i promesati.

Ingredients: 250ml of tea, 2 tablespoons peach syrup, 1 tablespoon almond syrup, ice cubes.


1) Cooked and cooled tea (at room temperature) put in the fridge to cool.
2) In glass, put ice cubes and pour tea.

3) Add the peach and almond syrup and mix well.

Espreso sa Amaretto sirupom (Espresso with Amaretto syrup)

Sastojci: 2 espresa, 120ml vrelog mleka, 2 kasike Amaretto sirupa.


1) Pomesati mleko i Amaretto sirup.
2) Sipati u solju i dodati espreso. Promesati. 

Ingredients: 2 espressos, 120ml of hot milk, 2 tablespoons Amaretto syrup.


1) Mix the milk and Amaretto syrup.
2) Pour in a cup (mug) and add the espresso. Mix well.