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Pre nego bilo sta probate na sebi, nekom koga znate, pa cak i koga ne znate - od recepata i/ ili dokumenata - tekst, tabele, prezentacije, slike, video, audio zapise i slicno (sa ovog ili bilo kog drugog mog bloga - listu pogledajte na web sajtu), morate da procitate moje Odricanje od Odgovornosti,  moju Izjavu and moja Upozorenja.

Citanje, razmisljanje tj. razmena misljenja izmedju vas i drugih osoba (diskusija) je DOZVOLJENA, cak i PREPORUCENA.

Dodavanje reci upotrebom sinonima (reci koje imaju isto ili blisko znacenje, ali se razlikuju po svom obliku) i/ili oduzimanje reci i recenica sa znakovima interpunkcije, tj. bilo koja izmena smisla reci i recenica NIJE DOZVOLJENA. Jednostavnije receno - bilo koje preformulisavanje teksta tj. menjanje smisla napisanih informacija, u Vasu ili tudju korist, a na moju stetu JE ZABRANJENO. 

Kad kazem da Vi sami menjate smisao reci i recenica u vasu ili tudju korist, a na moju stetu, tu mislim i na vase angazovanje - "Strucnih Saradnika". Vasi "Strucni Saradnici/Savetnici" mogu biti rodbina (besplatna, placena novcem ili uslugama) u Sudu, Opstini, kod Advokata, kod Socijalnih Ustanova i u Policiji, prijatelji i poznanici koji se bave pravnim, zakonskim i slicnim zavrzlamama, da ih ne nabrajam sve, a rade u raznim sluzbama, odeljenjima i ustanovama.

Moje Odricanje od Odgovornosti, moja Izjava i moja Upozorenja u vezi web sajt(-ova) i blog(-ova) mozete procitati na stranici - Research About Food (Istrazivanje o Hrani na engleskom jeziku). 


Before you try anything on yourself, someone you know, or even someone you don't know - from recipes and/or documents - text, tables, presentations, pictures, videos, audio recordings and the like (from this or any of my other blogs - see the list on the website), you must read my Disclaimer od Liability, my Statement and my Warnings.

Reading, thinking, i.e. exchanging opinions between you and other people (discussion) is ALLOWED, even RECOMMENDED.

Adding words using synonyms (words that have the same or close meaning, but differ in their form) and/or removing words and sentences with punctuation marks, i.e. any change in the meaning of words and sentences is NOT ALLOWED. Simply put - any reformulation of the text, i.e. changing the meaning of the written information, to your benefit or someone else's benefit, and to my detriment, IS PROHIBITED.

When I say that you yourself change the meaning of words and sentences in your or someone else's favor, and to my detriment, I am also referring to your involvement - "Professional Associates". Your "Professional Associates/Collaborators/Advisors" can be relatives (free, paid with money or services) in the Court, the Municipality, with Lawyers, with Social Institutions and in the Police, friends and acquaintances who deal with legal, law and similar entanglements, not to mention them all , and they work in various services, departments and institutions.

You can read my Disclaimer of Liability, my Statement and my Warnings regarding website(s) and blog(s) on the page - Research About Food.


Otvorila sam prvi blog o hrani (The Minuette Food Recipes) u oktobru 2010. Moja mama je imala svesku sa isprobanim receptima, koja je imala puno recepata na malim papirima. Zato sam odlucila da ih stavim na blog. Blog je napisan na srpskom i engleskom jeziku.

U septembru 2012. godine, otvorila sam drugi blog (The Minuette Food Recipes and Face Masks) na wordpresu, jer sam imala neke duple (razlicite) recepte, a i ovako mogu povezati ova dva bloga. Osim hrane o receptima, blog ima recepte za domace maske za lice, samo na engleskom jeziku. Nedavno sam pocela s hrono ishranom. I ovaj blog je napisan na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. 

Negde 2010. godine, otvorila sam novi blog, ali je bio zatvoren za pretrazivace, pa sam zaboravila na njega. U februaru 2016. godine, slucajno sam ga nasla. pa sam reorganizovala blog da bude sa receptima za bebe i decu. A kasnije sam dodala recepte za trudnice. Ovaj blog (The Minuette's 3 - Bebe, Deca i Trudnice) je samo na srpskom jeziku, za sada :)

Novi blog je The Minuette - Inspektor J. Recepti su prvo bili zajedno sa The Minuette Food Recipes and Face Masks, ali sam ih odvojila u julu 2020. Blog sam zapocela u martu 2020. Ovaj blog, ima recepte o balzamima, mastima, losionima, kremama i buterima. Takodje ima recepte za muskarce, za negu tela, kose i lica, za zivotinje, recepte za pranje vesa kao i za ciscenje kuce. Nesto manje ima recepata o ukrasima sa polimer glinom i sivenju. Blog je isprva bio na wordpresu, ali je sada na blogger-u.

Minuette je ime iz italijanskog stripa "Alan Ford", koji je preveden na hrvatski jezik. Minuette je jedini zenski član TNT grupe. "The" oznacava jednu ili vise osoba ili stvari koje su vec spomenute ili za koje se pretpostavlja da su opstepoznate. "The" (D) je takodje jedna smesna scena iz 
 jednog domaceg filma.

Novo na blogu - 30.08.2021.

Ispod recepta na engleskom jeziku bice - Moje misljenje o receptu tj.ispod slika - ako ih ima, znaci ne uvek.

Ako Vas interesuju Zanimljivosti (koje su vezane za recept), one ce biti ispod Moje misljenje o receptu - ako ga ima.

Forma recepata je tekst na srpskom, zatim tekst na engleskom (uglavnom - prvi recepti na blogu bili su engleski pa srpski). 

Ako recept ima slike, jedna je na pocetku - na vrhu, a sve ostale su ispod teksta-recepta na engleskom (ako ima vise od jedne).

U nekim receptima mozete naci - Napomene, Saveti i Predlozi. Napomena je vise detalja o pripremi recepta. Savet je detalj ili predlog vise, za laksu pripremu recepta. Ovi saveti vezani su samo za taj recept; dok kategorija SAVETI je nesto sasvim drugo. Predlozi su linkovi ka drugim receptima na ovom ili drugim blogovima.

Kategorija SAVETI sadrzi recepte kao sto su:

  • Priprema zeleni za corbu, 
  • Hrono tabela u restriktivnom periodu,
  • Kalorije u namirnicama,
  • Domaci vanila ekstrakt,
  • Worcestersire sos,
  • Zamena za pola-pola krem,
  • Bilje i zacini za povrce,
  • Saveti za pripremu sokova,
  • Priprema dzema-cvrsto voce 2
  • Sterilizacija kompota

I started first food blog (The Minuette Food Recipes) in October 2010.  My mom had notebooks with tried and tested recipes, which included a lot recipes on small papers. So I decided to put them on blog. Blog is written in Serbian and English.

In September 2012, I opened 2nd blog (The Minuette Food Recipes & Homemade Face Masks) because I had some double (different) recipes and this way I can link between two blogs. In addition to food recipes, blog has recipes for homemade face masks, in English only. Recently, I started with chrono nutrition.  This blog is also written in Serbian and English.

Somewhere in 2010, I opened another blog, but it was closed for search engines, so I forgot about it. In February 2016. I accidentally found it. I reorganized blog to be about baby and kids recipes. And later I added recipes for pregnant women. This blog (The Minuette's 3 – Bebe, Deca i Trudnice) is only in Serbian, for now :)

The new blog is The Minuette - Inspector J. The recipes were first along with The Minuette Food Recipes and Face Masks, but I separated them in July 2020. I started the blog in March 2020. This blog, has recipes about balms, ointments, lotions, creams and butters. It also has recipes for men, for body, hair and face care, for animals, recipes for washing clothes as well as for cleaning the house. There are slightly fewer recipes for decorations with polymer clay and sewing. The blog was originally on wordpress, but is now on blogger.

Minuette is the name from Italian comic book "Alan Ford" which was translated into Croatian language. Minuette is the only female member of TNT Group. Meaning of "The" - denoting one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge. "The" is also one funny scene from one movie.

New on the blog - August 30, 2021.

Under the recipe in English will be - My opinion about the recipe, i.e. under the pictures - if there are any, it means not always.

If you are interested in - Interesting things (which are related to the recipe), they will be under My opinion about the recipe - if there is one.

The form of the recipes is the text in Serbian, then the text in English (mostly - the first recipes on the blog were in English and then in Serbian). 

If the recipe has pictures, one is at the beginning - at the top, and all the others are below the text-recipe in English (if there is more than one).

In some recipes you can find - Notes, Tips and Suggestions. The Note contains more details about the preparation of the recipe. A Tip is a detail or suggestion more, for easy preparation of a recipe. These tips are only related to that recipe; while the TIPS category is something completely different. Suggestions are links to other recipes on this or other blogs.

TIPS category contains recipes such as:

  • Homemade seasoning for stews, soups,
  • Chrono table in the restricted period,
  • Calories in foods,
  • Homemade vanilla extract,
  • Worcestershire sauce,
  • Substitute for half-and-half cream,
  • Herbs and spices to vegetables,
  • Tips for preparing juices,
  • Jam preparation-solid fruits 2,
  • Sterilization of compote.
Novo na blogu - 06.12.2021.

Nove stranice na blogu i kako da pronadjete sta Vam treba.

POJMOVI (koje koristim):

Medicinsko ime = Artritis.

Obicno ime = zapaljenje zglobova, bol u zglobovima, bol u kostima i slicno.

Ime namirnice koja Vam u tome moze pomoci = jabukovo sirce.

Sve ovo zavisi od toga koje "Stanje Organizma" imate.

Stanje Organizma = Artritis, Reuma.

STRANICE (gde mozete naci sve gore navedeno, po slovima to jest po Abecedi (A, B, C, Ch, Curka, D, Dz, Dj, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, LJ, M, N, NJ, O, P, R, S, SH, T, U, V, Z, Zymance). 

Ove stranice su podeljene na:

-GLAVNE STRANICE (Grocery, Tips, Grandma's Tips, Body Condition)

-PODSTRANICE (Prodavnice Hrane u Beogradu koje volim, Saveti sa 24Kitchen, Bakini Saveti u Kuhinji i Saveti za Razna Stanja u Organizmu).


Glavne stranice i Podstranice su poredjane po redu. Prvoj glavnoj stranici - Grocery, odgovara prva podstranica - Prodavnice Hrane u Beogradu koje volim. Drugoj glavnoj stranici - Tips, odgovara druga podstranica - Saveti sa 24Kitchen.Trecoj glavnoj stranici - Grandma's Tips, odgovara treca podstranica - Bakini Saveti u Kuhinji. Cetvrtoj glavnoj stranici - Body Condition, odgovara cetvrta podstranica - Saveti za Razna Stanja u Organizmu.

Stranica Bakini Saveti u Kuhinji sadrzi Listu Imena Namirnica po Abecedi. Na primer: jabukovo sirce se nalazi pod slovom J.

Isto ovo vazi i za stranicu Body Condition. Znaci ona sadrzi Listu Imena "Stanja u Organizmu". Na primer: artritis se nalazi pod slovom A. A za slicno stanje - reuma, mozete naci pod slovom R. 

Savet za pretragu stranica:

Na tastaturi pritisnite istovremeno CTRL i F. Upisite pojam koji trazite i pritisnite Enter. 

Neki linkovi su sa ovog bloga, a neki sa drugih - tudjih, gde sam pronasla sta je meni potrebno. Da li odgovarati Vama - ne znam. Pogledajte, citajte, razmenjujte misljenja, zafrkavajte se, i ako Vam se ne svidja - bilo sta na ovom blogu, u bilo kom trenutku - kliknite na X u gornjem desnom uglu i zatvorite prozor ;)

U toku je reorganizacija podataka na Blogu :)



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