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Bakini Saveti (Grandma's Tips - Folk Medicine)

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Brokoli i dijabetes.

Fibre - Soluble fibers absorb water in your intestines, which leads to softening of your stool and regular bowel movements. This type of fiber helps you feel full and reduces constipation. Soluble fiber as well as insoluble fiber can be used as a food source for the good bacteria in large intestine. Also, soluble fiber can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Foods High in Soluble Fibre: black beans, lima beans, brussel sprouts, avocados, sweet potatoes, broccoli, turnips, pears, kidney beans, figs, nectarines, apricots, carrots, apples, guavas, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, oats, barley. 

Jabukovo sirce ima 9 vaznih minerala za rast, obnavljanje i odrzavanje organizma: kalijum, natrijum, magnezijum, kalcijum, bor, fosfor, sumpor, gvozdje, fluor. Sadrzi vitamine C, E, A, B1, B2, B6, beta-karoten, bioflavonoide, pektin, jabucnu i sircetnu kiselinu. Dobro je za snizavanje krvnog pritiska, regulise nivo natrijuma u krvi , varikozne vene, ublazava krvarenja iz nosa, smanjuje holesterol, giht, artritis. Vise info na Cajevi Za - Lecenje Biljem.

Jod - bitan za rad stitaste zlezde. Jod u hrani.

Lutein - for eye health, skin and cardiovascular system. Lutein is an antioxidant. Leafy greens and orange- yellow vegetables contain high amounts. Antioxidants are important because they neutralize free radicals, which can cause damage to our organs – health. Lutein is usually "working" with another carotenoid zeaxanthin. They are so similar and so that they are combined together by info sources like the US Department of Agriculture.

Source: Food Insight; Author: Allison Webster, PhD, RD

Macushield - zuta mrlja. Izvor:

Organski proizvodi - kupci organskih proizvoda imaju pravo da u svakom maloprodajnom objektu uključujući i pijacu zatraže na uvid kopiju sertifikata, sa datumom važenja i navedenima proizvodima za koje je izdat. Izvor: Autor: agromedia.

Prehlada - 7 namirnica u borbi protiv prehlade i virusa tj. za jacanje imuniteta. Izvor: Autor: agromedia.

Selen - bitan za jod i za hormon stitne zlezde. Hrana bogata selenom: meso, riba, zitarice, mlecni proizvodi. Izvor:

-Selen se nalazi u pivskom kvascu i psenicnim klicama, orarastim plodovima - brazilski orah i orah, govedini i iznutricama, jajima, puteru, soji, ribi - tuna, bakalar, haringa, morskim plodovima, belom luku, integralnim proizvodima od celog zrna, ovsenoj tj.zobenoj kasi i semenkama suncokreta. Izvor :

- Selen u mesu i u vodi - teleca dzigerica, crveno meso, kao i neke vrste mineralnih voda. Izvor.

Hrana bogata selenom. Izvor :

Ugljeni Hidrati.

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