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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Frape od breskvi i pomorandze (Peaches and oranges frappe)

Sastojci: 4 breskve, 400ml mleka, 200ml soka od pomorandze, 2 kasike secera, malo cimeta.

1) Breskve oljustiti i seci na kockice.
2) U blender staviti breskve, dodati mleko, secer i sok od pomorandze i blendati.
3) Sipati u case i posuti cimetom.

Ingredients: 4 peaches, 400ml milk, 200ml orange juice, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a little cinnamon.

1) Peel peaches and cut into cubes.
2) In a blender put the peaches, add milk, sugar and orange juice and blend.
3) Pour into glasses and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Mleko od soje (Soy milk)

Sastojci: 300ml soja zrno, 400ml+500ml mlake vode, rendana kora jednog limuna, 1 kasicica cimeta, 1 kasicica vanile.

1) Oprati soju i potopiti u hladnu vodu. Ostaviti da stoji dva dana.
2) Ocediti, staviti u blender, dodati 500ml vode i blendati 2-3 minuta.
3) sipati u serpu, dodati 400ml vode. Kuvati 15 minuta. U cediljku staviti krpu i procediti. Baciti pulpu a tecnost sacuvati.
4) Aromatizovati korom limuna ili vanilom ili cimetom.

Napomena: cuvati u frizideru najduze jedan dan.

Ingredients: 300ml soybean, 400ml + 500ml lukewarm water, grated peel of one lemon, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon vanilla.

1) Wash soybeans and soak in cold water. Allow to stand for two days.
2) Drain, put in a blender, add 500ml water and blend 2-3 minutes.
3) Pour in a saucepan, add 400ml water. Cook for 15 minutes. In a strainer put a cloth and drain. Throw the pulp and preserve liquid.
4) Flavor with rind of lemon or vanilla or cinnamon.

Note: keep in the refrigerator no longer than one day.

Banane s konjakom (Bananas with cognac)

Sastojci: 600g banana, 400ml konjaka, 30 listova nane.

1) U blender staviti oljustene banane i konjak i blendati 3 minuta.
2) Sipati u case, dodati led i ukrasiti nanom.

Ingredients: 600g banana, 400ml cognac, 30 mint leaves.

1) In a blender put hulled banana cognac and blend 3 minutes.
2) Pour into glasses, add ice and garnish with mint.

Belini (Bellini)

Sastojci: 6 breskvi, 750ml vina (proseka), 1 kasike secera.

1) Breskve oljustiti i iseci na kockice.
2) U blender staviti breskve dodati 200ml vina i blendati.
3) Sipati u bokal, dodati vino i secer i promesati.

Ingredients: 6 peaches, 750ml of wine (sherry), 1 tablespoon of sugar.

1) Peel and slice peaches into cubes.
2) In a blender put the peaches add 200ml of wine and blend.
3) Pour into a jug, add the wine and sugar and stir.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Napuljski uskrsnji hlepcici (Neapolitan Easter buns)

Sastojci: 1kg mekog brasna, 400-500ml vode, 40g kvasca, 2 kasike ulja, 50g semena komoraca, 150g crnih maslina, 1 kasicica secera, 1 kasicica soli, 2 ljute papricice.

1) Maslinama izvaditi kostice. Papricice sitno iseckati. Pomesati kvasac, secer, 1 kasiku brasna i mlaku vodu i ostaviti da naraste.
2) Pomesati brasno, so, kvasac. Dodati semenke komoraca, masline, papricice i mesiti.
3) Staviti testo u posudu, pokriti vlaznom krpom i ostaviti dva sata na toplom da naraste.
4) Podeliti testo na 6 delova i napraviti hlepcice. PLeh namazati uljem, posuti brasnom, staviti hlepcice, premazati uljem i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 30 minuta.

Ingredients: 1kg soft flour, 400-500ml of water, 40g of yeast, 2 tablespoons oil, 50g fennel seeds, 150g black olives, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 hot peppers.

1) Remove pits to olives. Finely chop peppers. Mix the yeast, sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour and lukewarm water, and let it grow.
2) Mix flour, salt, yeast. Add fennel seeds, olives, peppers and knead.
3) Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a damp cloth and leave for two hours to warm to rise.
4) Divide the dough into 6 parts and make buns. Grease a baking sheet with oil, sprinkle with flour, place buns, coat with oil and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Domaci kvasac (Homemade yeast)

Sastojci: 200g integralnog brasna, 200ml mlake vode, 1 kasicica meda ili 1 kasicica nerafinisanog maslinovog ulja.

1) U posudi od keramike pomesati brasno, vodu u kojoj je rastvoren med ili ulje i mesati dok masa ne postane lepljiva i glatka.
2) Ostaviti dva dana na provetrenom i toplom mestu (15 do 20 stepeni) i pokriti cistom krpom koja stalno treba da je vlazna da se na masi ne bi stvorila korica.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hleb sa suvim grozdjem (Bread with raisins)

Sastojci: 400g mekog brasna, 100ml ulja, 20g kvasca, 1 grancica ruzmarina, 100g suvog grozdja, 1 zumance, 250ml vode, 1 kasicica secera, 1/2 kasicice soli.

1) Pomesati kvasac, secer, 1 kasiku brasna i mlaku vodu. Ostaviti da naraste. Potopiti suvo grozdje u vodu i ostaviti da naraste. Ocediti. Uvaljati suvo grozdje u brasno (da testo ne bi bilo gnjecavo).
2) Pomesati brasno, so, kvasac i dobro umesite testo.
3) Posudu premazati uljem staviti testo i ostaviti da naraste na toplom 2 sata. 4) Na ulju, na niskoj temperaturi, proprziti iglice ruzmarina oko 10 minuta. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
5) U posudu sa testom dodati ulje sa ruzmarinom. Umesiti tako da se dobro sjedini.
6) Napraviti loptu i ostaviti da narasta 1 sat.
7) Dodati suvo grozdje i mesiti opet.
8) Oblikovati okrugli hleb, premazati zumancetom, staviti u pleh namazan uljem, posut brasnom i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C  oko 30 minuta.

Ingredients: 400g soft flour, 100ml oil, 20g of yeast, 1 sprig rosemary, 100g raisins, 1 egg yolk, 250ml water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1/2 tsp salt.

1) Mix the yeast, sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour and lukewarm water. Allow to rise. Soak the raisins in water and let it grow. Drain. Roll raisins in flour (so that dough would not be soggy).
2) Mix the flour, salt, yeast and knead the dough well.
3) Brush pan with oil, put the dough and let it rise in a warm two hours.
4) In the oil, at low temperature, fry rosemary needles about 10 minutes. Allow to cool.
5) In a bowl add to the dough oil with rosemary. Knead so it is well combined.
6) Make a ball and leave to rise for 1 hour.
7) Add the raisins and knead again.
8) Make round loaf, brush with the egg yolks, put in a baking pan greased with oil, sprinkled with flour and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 30 minutes.

Jevrejski hleb (Jewish bread)

Sastojci: 1kg mekog brasna, 2 zumanca, 400ml mlake vode, 1 kasicica secera, 1 kasicica soli, 5 kasika ulja, 70g semenki anisa, 40g kvasca.

1) Pomesati kvasac i secer u mlakoj vodi i ostaviti da naraste.
2) Pomesati brasno, so, ulje anis i kvasac. Mesiti dok ne dobijete glatko testo. Napravite loptu.
3) Prebaciti testo u veliku posudu pokriti vlaznom krpom i ostaviti na toplom dva sata da naraste.
4) Podeliti testo na dva dela, a zatim ta dva na jos tri dela. Svaki komad testa trljajte dlanom na povrsini posutoj brasnom tako da dobijete valjak debljine oko 2cm. Upletite ih u dve pletenice.
5) Pleh namazati uljem, posuti brasnom, staviti pletenice i premazati ih umucenim zumancima. Ostaviti da odstoje 30 minuta.
6) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 45 minuta.

Ingredients: 1kg soft flour, 2 egg yolks, 400ml lukewarm water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 5 tablespoons oil, 70g anise seeds, 40g yeast.

1) Mix the yeast and sugar in warm water and leave to rise.
2) Mix the flour, salt, oil, anise and yeast. Knead until you have a smooth dough. Make a ball.
3) Transfer the dough into a large bowl covered with a damp cloth and leave in a warm two hours to grow.
4) Divide the dough into two parts, and then that two to three more. Each piece of dough roll with the palm on the surface covered in flour so that you get the roller thickness of about 2cm. Make into two braids.
5) Line baking pan with oil, sprinkle with flour, put braids and coat them with beaten yolks. Allow to stand for 30 minutes.
6) Bake in the preheated oven at 180C for about 45 minutes.

Glatko testo-osnovni recept (Smooth dough-basic recipe)

Sastojci: 400g brasna, 250g margarina (iz frizidera), 6 kasika hladne vode

1) Pomesati brasno i margarin isecen na kockice i mesiti vrhovima prstiju tako da se dobiju krupni komadi.Dodati vodu, malo mesiti a zatim mesiti na brasnom posutoj povrsini dok testo ne postane ujednaceno i glatko.
2) Napraviti loptu, posuti brasnom, staviti u posudu a onda u frizider 1 sat.
3) Pre upotrebe ponovo mesiti na podlozi posutoj brasnom nekoliko minuta.

Ingredients: 400g flour, 250g margarine (from the fridge), 6 tbsp cold water

1) Mix the flour and butter cut into cubes and knead with your fingertips so you can get a big pieces.Add water, knead a little and then knead on the flour covered surface until the dough is evenly and smooth.
2) Make a ball, sprinkle with flour, put in a bowl and then in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
3) Before use, knead again on a surface covered in flour a few minutes.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Salata od pacetine sa pecurkama (Salad of duck with mushrooms)

Sastojci: 1 pacje grudi, 300g pecuraka, 50g margarina, 300ml belog vina, 1 grancica ruzmarina, 1/2 kasicice estragona, 1 cen belog luka (sitno iseckanog).

1) Pomesati belo vino, beli luk, ruzmarin, estragon. Potopiti pacje grudi i ostaviti 2 sata.
2) Pleh namazati margarinom. Pacje grudi obrisati i staviti u pleh. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 40 minuta, cesto prelivajuci belim vinom. Ostaviti da se ohladi i iseci na kocke.
3) Pecurke obrisati vlaznom krpom i prziti na margarinu i ostaviti da se ohlade.
4) Posluziti pacje grudi sa pecurkama.

Predlog: mozete pripremiti Pacje grudi sa suvim grozdjem i pinjolama.

Ingredients: 1 duck breast, 300g mushrooms, 50g butter, 300ml white wine 1 sprig of rosemary, 1/2 tsp tarragon, 1clove of garlic (finely chopped).

1) Combine white wine, garlic, rosemary, tarragon. Soak duck breasts and leave for 2 hours.
2) Line baking tray smeared with margarine. Dry duck breasts and put in a baking pan. Bake in the preheated oven at 180C for about 40 minutes, often overflowing with white wine. Leave to cool and cut into cubes.
3) Wipe mushrooms with a damp cloth and fry in margarine and leave to cool.
4) Serve duck breast with mushrooms.

Suggestion: you can make Duck breasts with raisins and pine nuts.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rolnice od slanine (Bacon rolls)

Sastojci: 20 reznjeva slanine, 200g fete, 100g sredine od hleba, 400g soka od paradajza, 2 kasike persuna, malo mleka, 1 kasika svezeg bosiljka ili 1 kasicica suvog, so.

1) Sok od paradajza pomesati sa bosiljkom. Fetu izgnjeciti viljuskom.
2) Potopiti hleb u mleko, ocediti i pomesati sa fetom, persunom i solju. Formirati 20 loptica i obmotati ih slaninom.
3) Rolnice posluziti uz sos.

Ingredients: 20 lobes bacon, 200g feta cheese, 100g middle of bread, 400g of tomato juice, 2 tablespoons parsley, a little milk, 1 tbsp fresh basil or 1 tsp dried, salt.

1) Tomato juice mix with basil. Squeeze feta with fork.
2) Soak bread in milk, drain and mix with feta cheese, parsley and salt. Form 20 balls and wrap them with bacon.
3) Serve rolls with sauce.

Rolnice od racica i tikvica (Shrimp and zucchini rolls)

Sastojci: 16 racica, 2 tikvice, 1 crni luk, 16 pera vlasca, 2 kasika maslinovog ulja, so.

1) Kuvati racice u kljucaloj slanoj vodi 2 minuta. Sacuvati vodu.
2) Oprati tikvice, odseci krajeve i iseci na tanke reznjeve. Kuvati tikvice 1 minut u vodi od racica.
3) Crni luk ocistiti, sitno iseckati i proprziti na ulju. Dodati racice, posoliti po ukusu i prziti 2 minuta na jakoj vatri. Ostaviti da se ohladi. Na jedan rezanj tikvice staviti jedan racic, urolati i vezati jednim perom vlasca.

Ingredients: 16 shrimps, 2 zucchini, 1 onion, 16 feathers chives, 2 tbsp olive oil, salt.

1) Cook shrimp at boiling salted water for 2 minutes. Conserve water.
2) Wash the zucchini, snips the ends and cut into thin flap. Cook zucchini for 1 minute in shrimp water.
3) Clean onion, finely chopped and fry in oil. Add shrimps, salt to taste, and fry for 2 minutes on high heat. Allow to cool. On one slice of zucchini put one shrimp, roll it and tie a chive feather.

Haringe sa sosom od jabuka (Herrings with apple sauce)

Sastojci: 4 fileta dimljene haringe, 1 krastavac, 2 jabuke, 250ml mleka, 300ml kisele pavlake, 1 crni luk, sok od pola limuna, 2 kasike sitno seckanog persuna, so.

1) Potopiti haringe u mleko i ostaviti 4 sata. Ocediti.
2) Jabuke oljustiti i iseci na kockice. Crni luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Krastavac oljustiti i iseci na kockice.
3) Pomesati jabuke, crni luk, krastavac, kiselu pavlaku i sok od limuna. Ostaviti u frizider. Posuti persunom.
4) Haringe preliti sosom i sluziti.

Ingredients: 4 fillets of smoked herring, 1 cucumber, 2 apples, 250ml milk, 300ml sour cream, 1 onion, the juice of half lemon, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, salt.

1) Soak the herrings in the milk and leave for 4 hours. Drain.
2) Peel and slice apples into small cubes. Peel onion and finely chop. Peel and slice the cucumber into small cubes.
3) Combine the apples, onion, cucumber, sour cream and lemon juice. Leave in refrigerator. Sprinkle with parsley.
4) Pour sauce over herrings and serve.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Medeni prstenovi (Honey rings)

Sastojci: za testo: 400g brasna, 100g secera, 150g margarina, 80g griza; za nadev: 300g meda, 100g secera, 1 kasika griza, 2 kasike kakaoa, 1/2 kasicice anisa, 6 karanfilica.

1) Zamesiti testo od navedenih sastojaka.
2) Staviti u serpu sve sastojke za nadev osim griza i pustiti da prokuva, uz stalno mesanje. Dodati griz i kuvati uz stalno mesanje dok se ne zgusne. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
3) Testo rastanjiti na 5mm debljine, pa seci trake 15x8cm. Na svaku traku staviti fil, urolati i napraviti prsten.
4) Pleh namazati margarinom i posuti brasnom, poredjati prstenove i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200C dok ne dobiju zlatno zutu boju.

Ingredients: for the dough: 400g flour, 100g sugar, 150g butter, 80g semolina; for stuffing: 300g honey, 100g sugar, 1 tbsp semolina, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 1/2 tsp anise, 6 cloves.

1) Knead dough from the above ingredients.
2) In a pan, put all the ingredients for stuffing except semolina and let it boil, with constant stirring. Add semolina and cook with constant stirring until thickened. Allow to cool.
3) Develop the dough to 5mm thick, then cut into strips 15x8cm. On each strip put filling, roll it and make a ring.
4) Line baking tray smeared with margarine and sprinkle with flour, arrange the rings and bake in preheated oven at 200C until they get a golden yellow color.

Srca s narandzom (Hearts with orange)

Sastojci: 300g brasna, 200g margarina, 100g secera, 100g mlevenih oraha, 100g rendane bele cokolade+100g bele cokolade za glazuru, 1 kasika margarina, rendana kora jedne pomorandze, 100g usecerene kore pomorandze, 6 kasika dzema od kajsija.

1) Pomesati brasno i margarin. Dodati secer, mlevene orahe, koru od pomorandze i cokoladu pa zamesiti testo. Ostaviti u frizideru 2 sata.
2) Rastanjiti testo na 5mm debljine i modlicom vaditi srca.
3) Pleh namazati margarinom posuti brasnom, poredjati srca i peci u prethodno ugrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 10-15 minuta.
4) Sitno iseckati usecerene kore od pomorandzi i pomesati sa dzemom. spajati po dva srca.
5) Cokoladu otopiti sa jednom kasikom margarina i preliti srca.

Savet: mozete pogledati kako se priprema dzem za mekano voce ili kako se priprema dzem za cvrsto voce.

Ingredients: 300g flour, 200g butter, 100g sugar, 100g ground walnuts, 100g grated white chocolate + 100g white chocolate for glaze, 1 tbsp butter, grated peel from one orange, 100g candied orange peel, 6 tbsp apricot jam.

1) Combine flour and margarine. Add sugar, ground walnuts, peel of orange and chocolate and knead the dough. Leave in the fridge for 2 hours.
2) Develop the dough to 5mm thick and with mold remove hearts.
3) Line baking tray smeared with margarine and sprinkled with flour, arrange the hearts and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 10-15 minutes.
4) Finely chopped candied peel of oranges and mix it with jam. Connect two hearts.
5) Melt chocolate with one tbsp of margarine and pour over hearts.

Tip: You can look at how to prepare jam for soft fruit or how to prepare jam for sold fruit.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Kolutovi sa orasima i cimetom (Reels with walnuts and cinnamon)

Sastojci: 300g margarina, 400g brasna, 150g seckanih oraha, 50g secera, 1 kasicica cimeta, kuvana glazura od secera.

1) Margarin iseckati na kockice pa pomesati sa brasnom. Dodati oko 500ml hladne vode i zamesiti testo. Pokriti i ostaviti 2 sata u frizider.
2) Formirati loptice, malo pritisnuti dlanovima, pa u sredini napraviti prstom udubljenje.
3) Pomesati secer, cimet i orahe, pa tom smesom puniti udubljenja.
4) Pleh namazati margarinom posuti brasnom, poredjati kolutove (sa vecim razmakom) i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 30 minuta. Poprskati sa kuvanom glazurom od secera.

Savet: dugo se mogu cuvati u zatvorenoj kutiji.

Ingredients: 300g butter, 400g flour, 150g chopped walnuts, 50g of sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, cooked sugar glaze.

1) Margarine cut into cubes and mix it with flour. Add about 500ml of cold water and knead the dough. Cover and leave for 2 hours in the refrigerator.
2) Form small balls, press little with palms, and with finger make a dent in middle.
3) Combine the sugar, cinnamon and walnuts and fill dents.
4) Line baking tray smeared with margarine and sprinkled with flour, arrange the reels (with larger spacing) and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 30 minutes. Sprinkle with cooked sugar glaze.

Tip: may be kept long in a sealed box.

Banana dezert (Banana dessert)

Sastojci: 5 banana, narendana kora i sok od jedne pomorandze, 50g mlevenih lesnika, 20g margarina, 50ml ruma, 50g suvog grozdja, 1 kasicica muskatnog oraha, 3 kasike smedjeg secera, 1/2 kasicice cimeta.

1) Potopiti suvo grozdje u vodi i ostaviti da nabubri. Ocediti.
2) Banane oljustiti i isceci na cetvrtine. Pomesati koru, sok od pomorandze, secer, rum, cimet i muskatni orah.
3) U pleh poredjati banane, preliti sokom od pomorandze, posuti lesnicima, suvim grozdjem i margarinom isecenim na kockice. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C 10 minuta.

Predlog: mozete napraviti Banana dezert 2.

Ingredients: 5 bananas, grated rind and juice of one orange, 50g of ground hazelnuts, 20g butter, 50ml rum, 50g raisins, 1 tsp nutmeg, 3 tablespoons brown sugar, 1/2 tsp cinnamon.

1) Soak the raisins in water and leave to swell. Drain.
2) Peel bananas and cut in the quarters. Combine rind, orange juice, sugar, rum, cinnamon and nutmeg.
3) In a baking dish arrange the bananas, pour orange juice, sprinkle with hazelnuts, raisins and margarine cut into small cubes. Bake in the preheated oven at 180C for 10 minutes.

Suggestion: you can make Banana dessert 2.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bavarski mlecni kolac (Bavarian dairy cake)

Sastojci: 6 zumanaca, 150g secera, 600ml mleka, 1 stapic vanile, 20g zelatina, 600ml slaga, 450g jagoda.

1) Sipati mleko u serpu i pustiti da provri. Skloniti sa sporeta i dodati vanilu iseckanu na komadice.
2) 350g jagoda izgnjecite viljuskom.
3) Umutiti zumanaca sa secerom. Dodati mleko i nastaviti sa mesanjem. Kuvati krem na pari 10 minuta uz konstantno mesanje.
4) Staviti zelatin u hladnu vodu, dodati 3 kasike vode i na umerenoj temperaturi otopiti. Dodati u krem od zumanaca i promesati. Ostaviti da se ohladi uz povremeno mesanje.
5) Pomesati slag i pire od jagoda, pa dodati u krem.
6) Sipati smesu u cinije i ostaviti u frizider da se ohladi. Pre sluzenja ukrasiti celim jagodama.

Ingredients: 6 egg yolks, 150g sugar, 600ml milk, 1 stick of vanilla, 20g gelatine, 600ml whipped cream, 450g strawberries.

1) Pour the milk into the pan and let it boil. Remove from heat and add vanilla chopped to pieces.
2) 350g strawberry mash with fork.
3) Whisk the egg yolks with sugar. Add milk and continue mixing. Steam for 10 minutes with constant stirring.
4) Place the gelatin in cold water, add 3 tablespoons of water and melt on medium heat. Add to the egg yolk cream mixture and stir. Allow to cool with occasional stirring.
5) Combine whipped cream and strawberry puree, then add the cream.
6) Pour the batter in the bowls and leave in the fridge to cool. Before serving decorate with strawberries.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Izraelska salata od piletine (Israeli chicken salad)

Sastojci: 400g pilecih grudi, 1 pomorandza, 2 avokada, 1 glavica zelene salate, 1 zelena paprika, 70ml belog vina, 1 list lovora; za preliv: 5 kasika majoneza, so, sok od pola limuna, sok od 1 pomorandze, 100g mlevenih badema.

1) Skuvati pilece grudi u slabo posoljenoj vodi sa vinom i listom lovora. Ocediti, ostaviti da se ohladi i iseci na kockice,
2) Ocistiti i iseckati papriku na trakice. Pomorandzu oljustiti i razdvojiti komade. Zelenu salatu oprati i iseci na trakice. Avokado oljustiti, izvaditi kostice i iseckati na kockice.
3) Pomesati pilece grudi sa pomorandzom, paprikom, zelenom salatom, avokadom i preliti prelivom.
4) Za preliv: pomesati sve sastojke.

Ingredients: 400g of chicken breast, 1 orange, 2 avocado, 1 head of lettuce, 1 green pepper, 70ml white wine, 1 bay leaf; For the dressing: 5 tbsp mayonnaise, salt, juice of half a lemon, juice of 1 orange, 100g of ground almonds.

1) Cook chicken breasts in lightly salted water with the wine and bay leaf. Drain, leave to cool and cut into cubes
2) Clean and chop the peppers into strips. Peel orange and separate the pieces. Wash lettuce and cut into strips. Peel avocado, remove pits and cut into cubes.
3) Combine chicken with oranges, peppers, lettuce, avocado and pour dressing.
4) For the dressing: combine all ingredients.

Mornarska salata (Sailor salad)

Sastojci: 350g racica, 180g tunjevine, 3 pecene paprike, 100g sardina, 300g pirinca, 1 limun isecen na kriske, maslinovo ulje, so i sok od jednog limuna, 5 kiselih krastavcica, 2 kasike seckanog persuna.

1) Pirinac oprati i skuvati u 550ml vode, sa nekoliko kriski limuna. Ohladiti pod mlazom vode i ocediti. Papriku iseci na trakice. Sardine izgnjecite viljuskom. Kisele krastavcice sitno iseckajte.
2) Skuvati racice u neslanoj vodi. Ocistiti, dodati malo soli, maslinovog ulja,
3) Pomesati maslinovo ulje, so i sok od limuna.
4) Pomesati racice, tunjevinu, sardine, paprike.
5) Na tanjir staviti pirinac, odozgo staviti mesavinu ribe i preliti zacinjenim maslinovim ulje. Posuti kiselim krastavcicima i persunom.

Ingredients: 350g shrimps, 180g tuna, 3 roasted peppers, 100g sardines, 300g of rice, 1 lemon cut into slices, olive oil, salt and the juice of one lemon, 5 pickles, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley.

1) Wash rice and cook in 500ml of water with a few slices of lemon. Cool under running water and drain. Cut the peppers into strips. Sardines mash with fork. Finely chop pickles.
2) Cook shrimp in not salty water. Clean, add a little salt, olive oil,
3) Combine olive oil, salt and lemon juice.
4) Combine shrimps, tuna, sardines and peppers.
5) On a plate put the rice, put the above mixtures of fish and pour olive oil. Sprinkle with parsley and pickles.

Francuska salata (French salad)

Sastojci: 180g tunjevine, 200g sardina, 2 krompira, 3 jaja, 100g zelenih maslina, 1 glavica zelene salate, maslinovo ulje, 2 cena belog luka, 1 kasika sirceta, 1 kasicica soka od limuna.

1) Krompir oljustiti, skuvati, ocediti i iseci na kockice. Jaja skuvati iseci na cetvrtine. Zelenu salatu oprati i iseci na trakice. Beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati.
2) Sardine izgnjeciti i pomesati sa tunjevinom. Ocistiti masline.
3) Pomesati sve sastojke.
4) Pomesati maslinovo ulje sa belim lukom, sircetom i sokom od limuna. Preliti salatu.

Ingredients: 180g of tuna, 200g sardines, 2 potatoes, 3 eggs, 100g green olives, 1 head of lettuce, olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 1 tsp of lemon juice.

1) Peel potato and cook. Drain and cut into cubes. Cook eggs and cut into quarters. Wash lettuce and cut into strips. Clean garlic and finely chop.
2) Squeeze sardines with fork and mix it with tuna. Clean olives.
3) Combine all ingredients.
4) Combine olive oil with garlic, vinegar and lemon juice. Pour over salad.

Seoska salata (Country salad)

Sastojci: 250g boranije, 500g krompira, 500g paradajza, 1 crni luk, maslinovo ulje, sirce, so, bosiljak.

1) Boraniju operite, ocistiti i skuvajte u slanoj vodi. Krompir oljustite, isecite na cetvrtine i skuvajte u vodi. Crni luk ocistite i skuvajte u vodi. Paradajz iseci na kriske.
2) Pomesati sve sastojke, dodati maslinovo ulje, so i bosiljak.

Ingredients: 250g green beans, 500g potatoes, 500g tomatoes, 1 onion, olive oil, vinegar, salt, basil.

1) Wash green beans, clean and cook in salt water. Peel potatoes, cut in four parts and cook in water. Clean onion and cook in water. Slice tomato.
2) Combine all ingredients, add olive oil, salt and basil.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Italijanski Bozicni hleb (Italian Christmas bread)

Sastojci:  za testo 1:  200g brasna, prstohvat kvasca, 90ml vode; za testo 2: 500g brasna, 60ml vode, 2 jaja, 60g margarina, 1/2 kasicice soli, 10g vanilin secera, 2 kasicice kvasca u prahu, 80g secera; 130g suvog grozdja, 130g suvih kajsija sitno iseckane, 130g suvih brusnica, 130 suvog ananasa, 2 kasike soka od pomorandze i 2 kasike soka od limuna.

1) Pomesati sastojke za testo 1, pokriti i ostaviti preko noci, 8-10 sati.
2) Pomesati sastojke za testo 2, zamesiti i ostaviti da naraste oko 1,5 sat.
3) Dodati suvo voce i sok od pomorandze i limuna i opet zamesiti.
4) Staviti testo u okrugao pleh namazan uljem i posut brasnom, pokriti i ostaviti da naraste oko1 sat.
5) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200C oko 20 minuta, pa smanjiti temperaturu na 180C i peci jos 20 minuta ili dok ne bude peceno.

Predlog: ovaj slatki hleb mozete posluziti uz krem od jagoda.

Ingredients: for dough 1: 200g flour, a pinch of yeast, 90ml water; for dough 2: 500g flour, 60ml water, 2 eggs, 60g butter, 1/2 tsp salt, 10g vanilla sugar, 2 teaspoons yeast powder, 80g sugar; 130g raisins, 130g dry appicots finely chopped, 130g of dried cranberries, 130g dried pineapple, 2 tablespoons orange juice and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

1) Combine the ingredients for the dough 1, cover and leave overnight, 8-10 hours.
2) Combine the ingredients for the dough 2, knead and let it grow about 1.5 hours.
3) Add dried fruits and juice from orange and lemon and knead again.
4) Place the dough in a loaf pan smeared with oil and sprinkled with flour, cover and let it grow about 1 hour.
5) Bake in the preheated oven at 200C for about 20 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180C and bake for another 20 minutes or until done.

Suggestion: this sweet bread you can serve with strawberry cream.

Omlet s travama (Omelette with herbs)

Sastojci: 6 jaja, 200ml kisele pavlake, 2 kasike seckanog majorana, 1 kasika timijana, 3 kasike seckanog persunovog lista, 1 kasika bosiljka, 100g struganog parmezana, 30g margarina.

1) Umutiti jaja sa kiselom pavlakom. Dodati majoran, timijan, persun i bosiljak i mutiti 2-3 minuta. Dodati parmezan i promesati.
2) Rastopiti margarin u tiganju, sipati smesu od jaja. Prziti nekoliko minuta na umerenoj vatri. Okrenuti omlet i prziti jos jedan minut.

Predlog: omlet mozete posluziti uz Paradajz sos sa mlekom.

Ingredients: 6 eggs, 200ml sour cream, 2 tablespoons chopped marjoram, 1 tablespoon thyme, 3 tablespoons chopped parsley leaf, 1 tablespoon basil, 100g grated Parmesan cheese, 30g of margarine.

1) Whisk the eggs with sour cream. Add marjoram, thyme, parsley and basil and stir 2-3 minutes. Add Parmesan cheese and stir.
2) Melt the margarine in a skillet, pour the batter of eggs. Fry a few minutes on medium heat. Turn the omelet and fry for another minute.

Suggestion: omelet can be served with Tomato sauce with milk.

Kolac od pecuraka sa sosom od sira (Mushrooms cake with cheese sauce)

Sastojci: 600g sampinjona, 5 jaja, 3 kriske hleba, 200g kisele pavlake, 300g rendanog ementalera, 1 crni luk, prezle, maslinovo ulje,  so; za sos: 250g ella sira (neslanog krem sira) ili krem sira, 1 struk pera vlasca, so.

1) Umutiti jaja, pa dodati kiselu pavlaku. Hleb iseckati na kockice, staviti u smesu od jaja i ostaviti 20 minuta.
2) Crni luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Pecurke obrisati vlaznom krpom i iseckati. Na ulju proprziti crni luk oko 3 minuta. Dodati pecurke i prziti oko 5 minuta. Dodati hleb i prziti 2 minuta. Dodati emetaler i posoliti po ukusu.
3) Pleh namazati ulje, sipati smesu, posuti prezlama. Peci u prethodno zagreanoj rerni na 180C oko 40 minuta.
4) Za sos: pomesati neslani sir sa sitno iseckanih perima vlasca. Posoliti po ukusu. Sluziti sa kolacem.

Ingredients: 600g mushrooms, 5 eggs, 3 slices of bread, 200g sour cream, 300g grated Emmental cheese, 1 onion, breadcrumbs, olive oil, salt; for the sauce: 250g ella cheese (unsalted cream cheese) or cream cheese, 1 bunch feather chives, salt.

1) Whisk the eggs and add sour cream. Bread cut into cubes, put in a batter of eggs and leave for 20 minutes.
2) Peel onion and finely chop. Clean mushrooms with a damp cloth and chop. In oil fry onion for about 3 minutes. Add mushrooms and fry for about 5 minutes. Add bread and fry for 2 minutes. Add emetaler and salt to taste.
3) In baking tray greased with oil, pour the batter, sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for about 40 minutes.
4) For the sauce: combine unsalted cheese with finely chopped chives. Add salt to taste. Serve with cake.

Korpice od bundeve i brokolija (Pumpkins and broccoli baskets)

Sastojci: 250g bundeve, 250g brokolija, 1 krompir, 1 crni luk, 3 zumanca, 2 kasike persuna sitno seckanog, besamel sos, 100g rendanog ementalera, 2 lisnata testa, maslinovo ulje, so i biber.

1) Operite brokoli i odvojite samo cvetove. Ocistiti bundevu i iseci na kockice. Krompir oljustiti i iseckati na kockice. Crni luk ocistiti i sitno iseckati.
2) Prokuvati krompir u slanoj vodi 10 minuta. Ocediti i ostaviti da se ohladi. U vodi kuvati brokoli oko 5 minuta. Kuvati bundevu oko 10 minuta.
3) U besamel sos dodati ementaler. Promesati.
4) U jednoj kasiki ulja proprziti crni luk, dodati persun i prziti 3 minuta uz stalno mesanje. Dodati krompir i nastaviti sa kuvanjem oko 3 minuta. Dodati bundevu i promesati.
5) Od lisnatog testa napraviti loptice velicine modli. Napraviti jos loptica i razviti da budu kao poklopci.
6) Modle namazati uljem. Obloziti modle lisnatim testom. Sipati povrce, preliti besamel sosom. Poklopiti lisnatim testom, namazati preostalim zumancetom, izbusiti viljuskom i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200C oko 30 minuta.

Ingredients: 250g pumpkin, 250g broccoli, 1 potato, 1 onion, 3 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, bechamel sauce, 100g grated Emmental cheese, 2 puff pastry, olive oil, salt and pepper.

1) Wash the broccoli and remove only flowers. Clean the pumpkin and cut into cubes. Peel potato and cut into cubes. Clean onions and finely chop.
2) Boil potatoes in salted water for 10 minutes. Drain and leave to cool. Cook broccoli in water for about 5 minutes. Cook the pumpkin for about 10 minutes.
3) Add Emmentaler to the bechamel sauce. Stir.
4) In one tablespoons oil, fry onions, add parsley and fry for 3 minutes with constant stirring. Add potatoes and continue cooking for about 3 minutes. Add pumpkin and stir.
5) From the puff pastry make balls and develeop with rolling pin in the size of molds. Make more balls and develop to be a lids.
6) Smear molds with oil. Place puff pustry in molds covering all sides. Pour the vegetables and pour the béchamel sauce. Cover with puff pastry, brush with the remaining egg yolk, drill a fork and bake in a preheated oven at 200C for about 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Multi vocni sok (Multi fruit juice)

Sastojci: 200g jagoda, 150g malina, 150g breskvi, 1 banana, 300g sladoleda od vanile, kocke leda, 150ml mleka, 50g mlevenih lesnika.

1) Breskve oljustiti i iseci na cetvrtine.
2) U blender staviti jagode, maline, iseckanu bananu, breskve i sladoled. Kada dobijete glatku smesu, dodati led i mleko i blendati.
3) Sipati u case, posuti lesnikom i sluziti.

Ingredients: 200g strawberries, 150g raspberries, 150g peaches, 1 banana, 300g vanilla ice cream, ice cubes, 150ml milk, 50g of ground hazelnuts.

1) Peel and slice peaches into quarters.
2) In a blender put the strawberries, raspberries, chopped banana, peaches and ice cream. When you get a smooth batter, add ice cubes and milk and blend again.
3) Pour into glasses, sprinkle with hazelnuts and serve.

Topla cokolada s cimetom (Hot chocolate with cinnamon)

Sastojci: 200ml mleka, 200ml slatke pavlake, 3 kasike kakaoa, 200g cokolade, 1 kasicica cimeta

1) Na laganoj temperaturi zagrejati mleko. Dodati slatku pavlaku, kakao i cokoladu; stalno mesajuci dok smesa ne postane glatka, a zatim kuvati jos 5 minuta.
2) U dve solje sipati cokoladu pa dodati po pola kasicice cimeta.

Ingredients: 200ml milk, 200ml heavy cream, 3 tablespoons cocoa, 200g of chocolate, 1 tsp cinnamon

1) At low temperatures warm milk. Add heavy cream, cocoa and chocolate; constantly stirring until the mixture is smooth, then cook for another 5 minutes.
2) In two cups pour the chocolate and add half a teaspoon of cinnamon in each cup.

Sok od kajsija sa malinama (Apricota and raspberries juice)

Sastojci: 400g kajsija, 150g malina, 100ml soka od pomorandze, 150ml slaga.

1) Kajsije oljustie, isecite na polovine i izvadite kostice.
2) Stavite u blender kajsije, maline. Dodati sok od pomorandze i slag, pa izblendirajte.

Ingredients: 400g apricots, 150g raspberries, 100ml of orange juice, 150ml whipped cream.

1) Peel apricots, cut it in half and remove the kernel.
2) Put in blender apricots and raspberries. Add orange juice and whipped cream and blend.

Sok od heljde i ananasa (Buckwheat and pineapple juice)

Sastojci: 400g heljde u zrnu, 400g ananasa+sok od ananasa iz konzerve, 120g suvog grozdja, 1 banana, prstohvat anisa, prstohvat djumbira, 2 kasicice meda, 1/2 kasicice mlevenog korijandera.

1) Heljdu potopiti u vodu i ostaviti preko noci. Suvo grozdje potopiti u vodu i ostaviti da nabubri. Ocediti. Ananas i bananu isecite na kockice.
2) U blender staviti heljdu, ananas i sok od ananasa, suvo grozdje, bananu, anis, djumbir, med i korijander.
3) Sipati u case i sluziti.

Ingredients: 400g buckwheat beans, 400g pineapple+pineapple juice from can, 120g raisins, 1 banana, a pinch of anise, pinch ginger, 2 tsp honey, 1/2 tsp of ground coriander.

1) Buckwheat soak in water and leave overnight. Soak raisins in water and leave to swell. Drain. Pineapple and banana, cut it into cubes.
2) In a blender put buckwheat, pineapple and pineapple juice, raisins, banana, anise, ginger, honey and coriander.
3) Pour into glasses and serve.

Sok od kupina sa jogurtom (Blackberry juice with buttermilk)

Sastojci: 300ml jogurta, 150ml mleka, 8 kockica leda, 1 kasika meda, 200g kupina, 50g lesnika.

1) Mleko, kupine i lesnike staviti u blender. Dodati med i jogurt i 4 kockice leda, jos malo blendati.
3) Sipati u case, dodati preostale kockice leda i posluziti.

Ingredients: 300ml buttermilk, 150ml milk, 8 ice cubes, 1 tbsp honey, 200g blackberries, 50g of hazelnuts.

1) Put milk, blackberries and hazelnuts in the blender. Add honey, buttermilk and 4 ice cubes, a blend again.
3) Pour into glasses, add the remaining ice cubes and serve.

Cokoladni liker (Chocolate liqueur)

Sastojci: 500ml mleka, 300g secera, 50g kakaoa, 20g vanilin secera, 50ml ruma, 100g cokolade.

1) Kuvati mleko sa kakaoom, cokoladom, secerom i vanilin secerom dok se sve ne istopi i masa ujednaci.
2) Kada se smesa ohladi dodati rum, promesati i sipati u flasu.

Ingredients: 500ml of milk, 300g sugar, 50g cocoa, 20g vanilla sugar, 50ml of rum, 100g of chocolate.

1) Cook the milk with cocoa, chocolate, sugar and vanilla sugar until it is all melted and well combined.
2) Once the mixture is cooled add the rum, stir and pour into a bottle.

Kivi u cokoladi (Kiwi fruit in chocolate)

Sastojci: 15 manjih kivija, 150g cokolade, 1-2 kasika margarina ili 2-3 kasike ulja, seckani pistaci.

1) Oljustiti kivi. Cokoladu otopiti sa margarinom ili uljem.
2) Uz pomoc cackalice umocite kivi u cokoladu pa u pistace.

Ingredients: 15 small kiwis, 150g chocolate, 1-2 tbsp margarine or 2-3 tablespoons of oil, chopped pistachios.

1) Peel kiwi. Melt chocolate with margarine or oil.
2) With the help of toothpicks, dip kiwi in chocolate and in the pistachios.

Pljeskavice (Meat patties)

Sastojci: 300g svinjskog mlevenog mesa, 300g teleceg mlevenog mesa, 2 glavice crnog luka, so.

1) Crni luk ocistiti i sitno iseckati.
2) Pomesati mleveno meso i crni luk. Posoliti po ukusu.
3) Praviti loptice, rastanjiti dlanovima ili na sto staviti najlon kesu, premazati uljem, staviti lopticu, poklopiti kesom, i pritisnuti daskom za secenje. Prziti pljeskavice.

Leskovacka pljeskavica: u meso dodati 200g sitno seckane slanine i 1 sitno seckanu ljutu papricicu ili 1/2 kasicice ljute aleve paprike.

Cvrcak pljeskavica: pljeskavice serviratu u zagrejanom ulju ili kajmaku.

Uzicka pljeskavica: przene pljeskavice obloziti pecenim paprikama i preliti kajmakom.

Pirotska pljeskavica: u meso dodati 150g kackavalja.

Predlog: uz ove pljeskavice mozete posluziti Sos od rena.

Ingredients: 300g pork minced meat, 300g veal minced meat, 2 onions, salt.

1) Clean onions and finely chop.
2) Combine ground meat and onions. Add salt to taste.
3) Form balls, press with palms or on the table put a nylon bag, brush with oil, put a ball, cover with nylog bag and press with cutting board. Fry patties.

Leskovac patties: in meat add 200g chopped bacon and 1 finely chopped hot peppers or 1/2 tsp hot cayenne pepper.

Cricket patties: serve patties in heated oil or cheese spread.

Uzice patties: fried patties coat with roasted peppers and pour with cheese spread.

Pirot patties: in meat add 150g yellow cheese.

Suggestion: you can serve these patties with Horseradish sauce

Leskovacki ustipci (Leskovac fritters)

Sastojci: 600g mesanog mlevenog mesa, 180g suve slanine, 100g kackavalja, 3 cena belog luka, 1 ljuta papricica ili 1/2 kasicice ljute aleve paprike, so i biber.

1) Slaninu, kackavalj i ljutu papricicu sitno iseckati. Beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati.
2) Pomesati mleveno meso, slaninu, kackavalj, beli luk i ljuti papricicu ili ljutu alevu papriku. Posoliti i pobiberiti po ukusu i zamesiti.
3) Praviti ustpke, velicine oraha. malo spljostiti dlanovima i peci u tiganju. Ako pecete na rostilju praviti vece velicine.

Predlog: mozete napraviti Leskovacku muckalicu.

Ingredients: 600g mixed ground meat, 180g of dry bacon, 100g of yellow cheese, 3 colves of garlic, 1 hot peppers or 1/2 tsp hot cayenne pepper, salt and pepper.

1) Finely chop bacon, cheese and hot pepper. Peel garlic and finely chop.
2) Combine ground meat, bacon, cheese, garlic and hot pepper or hot cayenne pepper (powder). Add salt and pepper to taste, and knead.
3) Form fritters in the size of a walnut. slightly flatten with palms and bake in a skillet. If you are using grill, make a larger size.

Suggestion: you can make Leskovac kebab.

Samoborski kotlet (Samobor chop)

Sastojci: 700g svinjskog kotleta, 100g masti, 500g krompira, 4 cena belog luka, persunov list, so.

1) Beli luk ocistite i sitno iseckajte.
2)Meso iseci na kotlete, pa izlupajte tuckom, posolite, proprzite sa obe strane na masti.
3) Krompire operite, oljustite i isecite na cetiri dela, posolite, stavite u pleh, prelijte s mascu u kojoj su se przili kotleti i pecite u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200C.
4) Na malo masti proprzite beli luk, dodati malo vode, proprziti, pa preliti kotlete. Preko kotleta poredjati pecen krompir. Poklopiti i dinstati oko 15 minuta. Pred kraj kuvanja posuti sitno seckanim persunovim listom.

Predlog: uz ove kotlete mozete posluziti Sos od rena

Ingredients: 700g pork chops, 100g of lard, 500g of potatoes, 4 cloves of garlic, parsley, salt.

1) Clean the garlic and finely chop.
2) Cut the meat into cutlets, pound every piece with wooden mallet and fry on both sides in lard.
3) Wash potatoes, peel and cut into four parts, season with salt, place in a baking dish, pour the grease in which cutlets are fried and bake in preheated oven at 200C.
4) In lard, fry the garlic, add a little water, fry, then pour over chops. Put over baked potatoes. Cover and cook for about 15 minutes. Toward the end of cooking sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

Suggestion: you can serve these chops with Horseradish sauce.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Medene stanglice (Honey bars)

Sastojci: 6 jaja, 200g secera, 200g meda, 400g brasna, 50g iseckanih badema, 50g iseckanih lesnika.

1) Pazljivo odvojiti zumanca od belanaca. Umutiti zumanca sa secerom. Dodati med i mutiti pola sata.
2) Dodati sneg od belanaca, brasno, bademe, lesnike. Promesati.
3) Pleh namazati margarinom, posuti brasnom i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200C.
4) Seci stanglice.

Ingredients: 6 eggs, 200g sugar, 200g honey, 400g flour, 50g chopped almonds, 50g chopped hazelnuts.

1) Carefully separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Whisk the egg yolks with sugar. Add honey and stir half an hour.
2) Add well beaten egg whites, flour, almonds, hazelnuts. Stir.
3) Smear baking pan with margarine, sprinkle with flour and bake in preheated oven at 200C.
4) Cut bars.

You might also like:
Galete (Waffles)
Medena torta (Honey cake)
Kiflice bez jaja (Rolls without eggs)

Kuglice od lesnika i cokolade (Hazelnuts and chocolate balls)

Sastojci: 350g mlevenih lesnika, 120g margarina, 170g secera u prahu, 150g strugane cokolade; za umakanje: 250g secera, 100ml vode; za posipanje: sitno seckan badem.

1) Penasto umututi margarin sa secerom. Dodati cokoladu i promesati. Dodati lesnike i promesati. Praviti kuglice i stavljati u korpice.
2) Za umakanje: skuvati secer sa vodom da bude gusto. Svaku kuglicu umakati uz pomoc cackalice u sirup, pa valjati u seckan badem.
3) Susiti na vazduhu.

Ingredients: 350g of ground hazelnuts, 120g butter, 170g powdered sugar, 150g of grated chocolate; for dip: 250g sugar, 100ml water; for sprinkling: finely chopped almonds.


1) Whisk margarine and sugar until foamy. Add the chocolate and stir. Add hazelnuts and stir. Make balls and place in paper baskets.
2) For the dip: cook sugar with water to be thick. Every ball dip with the help of toothpick in syrup and roll in chopped almonds.
3) Dry in the air.

You might also like:
Pita od jabuka (Apple pie)
Anina torta (Ana's cake)
Kesten kvadratici (Chestnut squares)

Kuglice od suvih smokava (Dry figs balls)

Sastojci: 500g suvih smokava, 150g secera, sok i strugana kora jedne pomorandze.

1) Na masini za meso samleti suve smokve. Dodati secer i sok i struganu koru pomorandze. Zamesiti, praviti kuglice i uvaljati u prah secer.

Ingredients: 500g of dried figs, 150g sugar, juice and grated rind one orange.

1) On meat machine put dried figs.
2) Add the sugar and the juice and grated rind of orange.
​3) Knead, make balls and roll in powdered sugar.

You might also like:
Brza torta (Quick cake)
Kolac od smokvi i urmi (Fig and date palm cake)

Cokoladne Kuglice s Orasima (Chocolate Walnut balls)

Sastojci: 150g mlevenih oraha, 150g secera u prahu, sok od pola limuna, 3 belanceta, 150g sitno seckanih oraha, 50g cokolade sitno seckano, jos malo mlevenih oraha i strugane cokolade za valjanje kuglica.

1) Umesiti mlevene orahe secer u prahu i sok limuna. Dodati seckane orahe i cokoladu. Dobro promesati.
2) Praviti kuglice, umakati u glazuru od cokolade pomocu cackalice i uvaljati u mesavinu mlevenih oraha i strugane cokolade.

Ingredients: 150g ground walnuts, 150g powdered sugar, juice of half a lemon, 3 egg whites, 150g finely chopped walnuts, 50g chopped chocolate, a little ground walnuts and grated chocolate for rolling balls.


1) Knead the ground walnuts with powdered sugar and lemon juice. Add chopped walnuts and chocolate. Stir.
2) Make balls, dip in chocolate glaze using toothpick and roll in the mixture of ground walnuts and grated chocolate.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Zuti kolacici (Yellow cookies)

Sastojci: 250g brasna, 275g margarina, 120g secera, 4 kuvana i pasirana zumanca, malo cimeta, karanfilica u prahu i struganog muskatnog oraha, belance za premazivanje, dzem.

1) Penasto umutiti margarin sa secerom. Dodati zumanca, muskatni orah, karanfilic, cimet i brasno. Zamesiti testo i rastanjiti ga na debljinu od 0.5 cm, pa modlom ili casicom vaditi kolacice. Premazati belancetom.
2) Pleh namazati margarinom, poredjati kolacice i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C.
3) Kada su kolacici peceni sastavljati po dva sa dzemom.

Savet: mozete pogledati kako se priprema dzem za mekano voce ili kako se priprema dzem za cvrsto voce.

Ingredients: 250g flour, 275g butter, 120g sugar, 4 cooked and mashed egg yolks, cinnamon, clove powder and grated nutmeg, egg white, jam.

1) Whisk margarine with sugar until foamy. Add egg yolks, nutmeg, clove, cinnamon and flour. Knead dough and develop it to a thickness of 0.5 cm, and cut cookies with mold or a small glass. Brush with egg white.
2) Smear baking pan with margarine, arrange the cookies and bake in preheated oven at 180C.
3) When baked cookies glue two with jam.

Tip: You can look at how to prepare jam for soft fruit or how to prepare jam for sold fruit.

You might also like:
Domaci sladoled (Homemade ice cream)
Kolac sa jabukama bez jaja (Apple cake without eggs)
Kiflice bez jaja 2 (Rolls without eggs 2)

Bozicni medeni kolacici (Christmas honey cookies)

Sastojci: 250g margarina, 180g meda, 1 jaje, 500g brasna, 1 kasika secera, bademi

1) Umutite margarin, dodati med, secer, jaje i brasno i zamesiti testo.
2) Praviti male kuglice, svaku malo pritisnite da se spljosti, pa u sredinu svakog kolacica prstom napravite udubljenje i stavite po jedan badem.

Pirinac sa medom (Rice with honey)

Sastojci: 200g pirinca, 200g meda, 1 kasicica secera, sok od 1/2 limuna, 1/2 kasicice cimeta, 1,8 L vode.

1) Vodu, med i secer stavite u lonac i kuvajte dok ne provri. Kada provri skinite penu, dodajte pirinac pa nastavite sa kuvanjem. Pred kraj kuvanja dodajte sok od limuna i cimet.
2) Sipati u cinijice, ohladiti i servirati.

Ingredients: 200g rice, 200g of honey, 1 tsp sugar, the juice of half a lemon, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1.8 L of water.

1) Water, honey and sugar put into a pot and cook until it boils. When it boils, remove the foam, add the rice and continue cooking. Toward the end of cooking, add lemon juice and cinnamon.
2) Pour into a small bowls, chill and serve.

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Seljacka gozba (Farmers treat)

Sastojci: 500g dimljene svinjetine, 500g kiselog kupusa ili repe, 500g svezih rebara, 50g masti, 1 krompir, 1 crni luk, 2 cena belog luka, kim i so.

1) Kupus sitno iseckati ili repu izrendati. Crni luk ocistiti i sitno iseckati. Krompir oljustiti i izrendati.
2) Svinjetinu staviti u lonac zajedno sa kupusom ili repom. Naliti vodom i kuvati na laganoj vatri.
3) Rebra istrljati cenovima belog luka, posoliti, posuti kimom, staviti u pleh, dodati mast i peci u rerni.
4) Kada su rebra pecena, ocedite mast, i u njoj proprzite crni luk, dodati krompir. Promesati pa dodati u lonac sa svinjetinom. Kuvati oko 20 minuta.

Ingredients: 500g smoked pork, 500g sour cabbage or turnip, 500g fresh ribs, 50g lard, 1 potato, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, cumin and salt.

1) Finely chop cabbage or grate the turnip. Clean onion and finely chopped. Peel potato and grate.
2) Put pork in a pot with cabbage or turnips. Add the water and cook on low heat.
3) Rub ribs with garlic, salt, sprinkle with cumin, put in a baking pan, add lard and bake in the oven.
4) When the ribs are baked, drain lard, and fry in it the onion, add the potatoes. Stir and add to the pot with pork. Cook for about 20 minutes.

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Leskovacki urnebes sa teletinom i povrcem (Leskovac spicy veal with veggies)

Sastojci: 800g teleceg mesa, 200g crnog luka, 200g krompira, 200g obarenog spanaca, 4 paprike babure, 4 jaja, 200ml kisele pavlake, 400g paradajza, 800ml belog vina, 80ml ulja, 2 ljute papricice, 1/2 kasicice vegete, 60g parmezana, so.

1) Meso iseci na vece kocke. Crni luk ocistiti i sitno iseckati.  Papriku, krompir i paradajz ocistiti i iseci na kockice. Spanac iseckati. Ljute paprice iseckati.
2) Na ulju proprziti meso. Posebno na ulju proprziti crni luk, dodati papriku, a nesto kasnije i krompir pa nastaviti sa przenjem. Dodati paradajz i ljute papricice, dodati vegetu u jos malo dinstati. Sipati vino, dodati spanac. Posoliti i dobro promesati.
3) U vatrostalnu posudu redjati naizmenicno meso i povrce, s tim da gornji sloj bude povrce.
4) Umutiti jaja, dodati kiselu pavlaku i preliti preko urnebesa. Posuti struganim parmezanom i peci u pecnici oko 10 minuta.

Ingredients: 800g veal, 200g onion, 200g potatoes, 200g boiled spinach, 4 bell peppers, 4 eggs, 200ml sour cream, 400g tomatoes, 800ml white wine, 80ml oil, 2 hot peppers, 1/2 tsp Vegeta, 60g Parmesan, salt.

Predlog: uz ovo jelo mozete posluziti Hleb od celih zrna sa orasima.

1) Cut the meat into large cubes. Clean onions and finely chop. Clean peppers, potatoes and tomatoes and cut into cubes. Cut spinach. Cut peppers.
2) In oil fry the meat. In separate pan in oil fry onions, add peppers, and a little later add potatoes and continue frying. Add tomatoes and hot peppers, add Vegeta cook a little more. Pour the wine, add the spinach. Add salt and stir well.
3) Place them in a baking dish in alternate meat and vegetables, with the top layer being a vegetable.
4) Whisk the eggs, add sour cream and pour over the hoopla. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and bake in the oven for about 10 minutes.

Suggestion: with this dish you can serve Whole grain bread with walnuts.

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Torta od paprika (Red peppers cake)
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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Saran u tepsiji (Carp in the pan)

Sastojci: 1 ociscen saran, 3-4 glavice crnog luka, 3 paradajza, 2 jaja, 4 cena belog luka, 50g mlevenih oraha, sirce, ulje, aleva paprika, so.

1) Crni luk ocistiti i sitno iseckati. Paradajz iseci na kocke. Sarana iseci na nekoliko mesta.
2) Na ulju proprziti crni luk paradajz. Posoliti i dodati alevu papriku po ukusu. staviti ovu smesu tepsiju, odozgo staviti sarana. Preliti uljem i peci u rerni na 200C.
3) Kada je saran upola pecen, umutiti jaja, dodati izgnjecen beli luk, sirce, malo ulja i orahe, pa preliti preko sarana. Vratiti u rernu i jos malo dopeci.

Predlog: mozete napraviti Djuvec od sarana.

Ingredients: 1 cleaned carp, 3-4 onions, 3 tomatoes, 2 eggs, 4 cloves of garlic, 50g ground walnuts, vinegar, oil, cayenne pepper, salt.

1) Clean onions and finely chop. Tomato cut into cubes. Cut carp in several places.
2) In oil fry onion and tomato. Add salt and cayenne pepper to taste. In baking dish put onion and tomato mixture, on top put carp. Pour with oil and bake in the oven at 200C.
3) When the carp is half baked, whisk the eggs, add the mashed garlic, vinegar, a little oil and walnuts, and pour it over the carp. Return to oven and bake a little more.

Suggestion: you can make Oven-baked carp stew.

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Rolat od mesa (Meat roll)
Cufte u sosu od belog vina (Meatballs in a sauce of white wine)
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Strukli da sirom (Dumplings with feta)

Sastojci: 500g brasna, 2 kasike ulja, 1 jaje, rastopljen maslac, so; za nadev: 300g fete, 2 jaja, 200ml kisele pavlake; za preliv: 100g margarina, 150g prezli.

1) Od brasna, jajeta, ulja, soli i malo mlake vode zamesiti testo. Podeliti na dva dela i ostaviti malo da odstoji.
2) Za nadev: sir izgnjeciti viljuskom, dodati zumanca, kiselu pavlaku i sneg od belanaca. Posoliti i izmesati.
3) Testo razviti na kore debljine pola cm pa ih premazati rastopljenim margarinom. Preko svake kore ravnomerno rasporediti nadev i zaviti u rolnu. Testo iseci na komade 6x10cm i kuvati u slanoj vodi oko 30 minuta.
4) Za preliv: proprziti prezle na margarinu i preliti preko kuvanih strukli.

Predlog: Strukle mozete preliti mesavinom kisele pavlake i zumanaca i zapeci u rerni.

Ingredients: for the dough: 500g flour, 2 tablespoons oil, 1 egg, melted butter, salt; for stuffing: 300g feta, 2 eggs, 200ml sour cream; for the sauce: 100g butter, 150g bread crumbs.

1) Mix flour, eggs, oil, salt and a little lukewarm water and knead the dough. Divide into two parts and leave little to stand.
2) For the stuffing: squeeze cheese with fork, add egg yolks, sour cream and snow from egg whites. Add salt and mix well.
3) Develop dough in the crust thickness of half a cm and brush them with melted margarine. On each crust spread stuffing evenly and wrap to roll. Cut dough into pieces 6x10cm and cook in salted water for about 30 minutes.
4) For the sauce: fry the breadcrumbs in margarine and pour over cooked dumplings.

Suggestion: you can pour dumplings with mixture of the sour cream and egg yolks and shorthly bake in the oven.

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Idrijski zlinkrofi (Idrian dumplings)

Slovenian dish

Sastojci: 500g brasna, 3 jaja, 150ml mleka, 50g masti ili 50ml ulja, slana voda; za nadev: 1 kg kuvanog i pasiranog krompira, 50g masti, 3 belanceta, 300g pecenice, 1/2 kasicice cimeta, 1 kasicica majorana, 2 kasike prezli, 2 kasike persunovog lista.

1) Od brasna, zumanaca i mleka zamesite testo. Ostaviti pokriveno na toplom mestu oko pola sata.
2) Za nadev: pecenicu sitno iseckati pa pomesati sa krompirom. Dodati mast, belanca, cimet, majoran, prezle i persunov list. Dobro promesati.
2) Testo tanko razvucite oklagijom, secite kvadrate. Na sredinu stavite malo nadeva, pa poklopite drugim kvadratom. Ivice testo pritisnite prstima da se slepe. Namazite ivice umucenim belancima.
3) Zlinkrofe kuvati u slanoj vodi. Ocediti, sloziti u ciniju.

Ingredients: 500g flour, 3 eggs, 150ml milk, 50g lard or 50ml oil, salt water; for stuffing: 1 kg of cooked and puréed potatoes, 50 g lard, 3 egg whites, 300g sirloin, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp marjoram, 2 tablespoons bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons parsley leaf..

1) Mix flour, eggs and milk and knead the dough. Leave covered in a warm place for approximately half an hour.
2) For the stuffing: finely chopped sirloin and mix it with potatoes. Add lard, egg whites, cinnamon, marjoram, parsley and breadcrumbs. Stir.
3) Develop dough thin with rolling pin, cut squares. In the middle put a little stuffing and cover with another square. Press edge of the dough with your fingers. Brush edges with beaten egg whites.
4) Cook Zlinkrof in salted water. Well drain and place the bowl.

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Kobasice u crnom vinu (Sausages in Red Wine)

Sastojci: 1 kg svinjskih kobasica, 1,5 L crnog vina.

1) U dublji lonac stavite vino i stavite da provri.
2) Dodajte kobasice i kuvajte na umerenoj vatri dok se vino ne ukuva do 1/2 litre.
3) Staviti kobasice na tanjir. Vino jos malo prokuvati i preliti preko kobasica.

Ingredients: 1 kg of pork sausage, 1.5 L of red wine.

1) In a deep pot put the wine and allow it to boil.
2) Add the sausage and cook on medium heat until the wine has evaporated to 1/2 liters.
3) Place the sausages on a plate. Boil wine a little more and pour over sausage.

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