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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Kako skuvati gerslu - jecam zrno? (How to cook barley grain?)

Sastojci: 225g jecam zrna (gersla), 500ml vode + 500ml vode.


1. Potopiti gerslu - jecam zrno u serpi sa 500ml vode i ostaviti 8h.

2. Procediti vodu.

3. Isprati 2 do 3 puta.

4. Staviti i serpu, dodati 500ml vode. Pustiti da prokljuca pa smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4) i kuvati uz povremeno mesanje i dodavanje vode, 45 do 60 min.

Ingredients: 225g of barley grain, 500ml of water + 500ml of water.


1. Soak the barley grain in a pot with 500 ml of water and leave for 8 hours.

2. Strain the water.

3. Rinse 2 to 3 times.

4. Put in a pot, add 500ml of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce to medium temperature (4) and cook, stirring occasionally and adding water, for 45 to 60 minutes.

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